College of Business and Economics, Koleke Pāʻoihana a Kālaihoʻokele Waiwai

Bylaws of the CoBE Faculty Senate

On this page:

I. General By-Laws

Any Business not routine in nature or any proposal of more than 25 words must be submitted to the senators at least two working days in advance of the Senate meeting at which it is to be considered. This rule may be suspended by a two-third vote of senators present at the meeting.

II. Administration of the Senate

The Chair of the Senate shall ensure that agenda, minutes, motions, and other documents necessary to the running of the senate are prepared and that these documents are posted to the Senate web site. The Vice Chair shall take the minutes of Senate meetings.

III. Standing Committees

Section 1.

Membership of the standing committees of the Senate will be approved by the Senate. Once a faculty member is appointed to a committee, they will serve for a period of two years, with re-appointment possible. Faculty members should stagger terms so that there is carry-over of membership each year.

Section 2.

Standing committees will be composed of at least two faculty members.

Section 3.

The standing committees of the Senate will consist of such committees as the Senate may from time to time appoint.

Section 4.

Each standing committee will elect a Committee Chair who will call and conduct meetings and provide liaison with the Senate Chair and Dean/Director.

Section 5.

Standing committees will meet at least once each semester and more frequently as issues demand.

Section 6.

Standing committees must respond to proposals from the Chair within a 60-day period.

IV. Ad Hoc Committees

By majority vote of the Senate, Ad Hoc Committees may be constituted and charged for a duration not to exceed their initial charge. These committees may be of any composition that the Senate chooses. The Dean/Director will ask the Senate to create such committees as needed.


  • Keisuke Nakao, Ph.D., Chair, College of Business and Economics Faculty Senate, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
  • Todd Inouye, Ph.D., Director of the College of Business and Economics, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo