Music (MUS) Courses
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MUS 106 Intro to Music Literature (3) Appreciation of western art music through discussion, listening and reading. Study of elements, textures, forms and style characteristics. No previous music knowledge required. (Formerly offered as MUS 160) (Attributes: DA, DH)
MUS 107 Music in World Cultures (3) Explores music as an aspect of human culture focusing on selected non-Western music styles from Asia, Africa, and the Americas. (Formerly offered as MUS 166) (Attributes: FGC)
MUS 108 Fundamentals of Western Music (3) Musical notation: pitch, rhythm, tonality, and chord structure. Aural skills and first experiences at the piano also included. (Formerly offered as MUS 180) (Attributes: DA)
MUS 108L Fund of Western Music Lab (1) Development and application of aural skills through analysis, dictation, and sight-singing. Reinforces concepts presented in MUS 180. Pre: Concurrent enrollment with MUS 108. (Formerly offered as MUS 180L)
MUS 109 Music & Pop Culture in America (3) A survey of American musical styles of the 20th century, including rock, blues, jazz, country, Motown, R & B, and other folk idioms, as well as American art music. Emphasis will be on stylistic evolution, interactions, and social context. No previous musical knowledge is required. (Formerly offered as MUS 163) (Attributes: DA)
MUS 110 Introduction to Jazz (3) A survey of classic and modern jazz in a historical framework. Study of elements, trends, genres, forms and style characteristics. Appreciation of jazz through discussion, listening and reading. No previous musical knowledge is required. (Formerly offered as MUS 165) (Attributes: DA, DH)
MUS 114 University Chorus (3) Large ensemble singing of various genres of choral music including classical, choral/orchestral, world and Hawaiian, traditional as well as contemporary. Study of composers and compositional styles from selected cultures and periods of music. Public performance required. No audition required. May be repeated for credit as many times as desired. (Formerly offered as MUS 102) (Attributes: DA) (Attributes: DA)
MUS 121 Class Instruction I (1) Basic principles of voice technique and performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) Voice; (C) Piano; (D) Guitar. Repeatable in different sections. Cannot be audited. Must be taken for letter grade. (Formerly offered as MUS 123 and MUS 125)
MUS 122 Class Instruction II (1) A continuation of MUS 123. Basic principles of performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) Voice; (C) Piano; (D) Guitar. Repeatable in different sections. Cannot be audited. Must be taken for letter grade. Pre: MUS 121 or Instructor's Consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 124 and MUS 126)
MUS 125 Class Piano I (1) Basic principles of piano technique and performance. Relevant problems in piano literature. Course may be repeated once for credit.
MUS 126 Class Piano II (1) A continuation of MUS 125. Principles of piano technique and performance. Relevant problems in piano literature. Pre: MUS 125 or instructor's consent.
MUS 130 Convocation (1) Seminar in music performance. Study of best practices in preparation/performance of music drawn from each student's Applied Music lessons. In-class solo performances; and public performance required at the end of semester Convocation Student Recital. Co-req: MUS 231 or 331. May be repeated for credit as many times as desired.
MUS 131 Beginning Applied Music (1) Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance. Course fees are in addition to regular tuition. For course fee amount, see Applied Music Coordinator and consult instructor at time of registration. May be repeated for credits three times.
MUS 175 Intro Music Of Polynesia (3) A general survey of the traditional and acculturated music of eight major Polynesian island groups: Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Easter Island, and Hawaiʻi. Music is viewed as both an organization of sound and as a product of culture and people. (Same as HWST 175) (Attributes: DH, GAHP, GH, HPP)
MUS 176 Hist & Dev Of Hawn Music (3) A general survey of the interrelationships of traditional and acculturated Hawaiian music. Vocal music genres to be discussed include: chant; Christian hymn singing; secular choral singing; male and female falsetto singing; Chalangalang; Hapa Haole; and contemporary. Instrumental music genres include: pre-European instrumental styles; slack key guitar; ʻukulele; and steel guitar. (Same as HWST 176) (Attributes: DH, GAHP, GH, HPP)
MUS 195 Contemporary Island Music (3) Survey of contemporary music in Hawaiʻi from the 1970’s to today’s popular music. Emphasis on performance, via the understanding of multi-cultural influences, styles of composers, and development of musical trends in Hawaiʻi. Practical experience with singing and ʻukulele. (Attributes: DA, HPP)
MUS 225 Music Synthesis (3) The use of computer-controlled synthesizers in musical composition, recording and performance; Music Instrument Digital Interface procedures and applications. Pre: MUS 126 and MUS 131C (Applied Music/Piano) or conference.
MUS 230 Voice Class (3) (lecture/lab) An experiential study of singing techniques and vocal repertoire, including historical study of the techniques and repertoire studied in class. Focus on current scientific understanding of vocal technique. Course includes required in-class performances. (Attributes: DA)
MUS 231 Applied Music (1) Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at a foundational level. Performance at end of semester Convocation and Juries required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only. Pre: Audition or Instructor's Consent. Co-Req: MUS 130. (Formerly offered as MUS 135, MUS 136, MUS 235, and MUS 236)
MUS 240 Creative Apps of Music Tech (3) Fundamental technology concepts learned through creative projects. Exposure to a variety of music and audio software. Pre: MUS 108 or Instructor's consent. (Attributes: DA)
MUS 276 Music, Gender, and Sexuality (3) An examination of the connections between gender, sexuality, and music, with emphasis on the music's relation to cultural, social, political, and historical contexts. Pre: ENG 100/100T or ESL 100/100T. (Attributes: DH)
MUS 281 Theory I (2) Materials and organization of music; analysis, writing, and keyboard application. Pre: MUS 108 or Instructor's consent. Co-Req: MUS 283 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 185)
MUS 282 Theory II (2) Continuation of MUS 281. Pre: MUS 281 or Instructor's consent. Co-Req: MUS 284 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 186)
MUS 283 Aural Training I (1) Perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight singing. Pre: MUS 108 and ability to sing diatonic melodies at sight, or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 185L)
MUS 284 Aural Training II (1) Continuation of MUS 283. Pre: MUS 283 or Instructor's consent. Co-req: MUS 282 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 186L)
MUS 285 Music Theory III (3) Detailed study of theory: writing, analysis, keyboard application. Pre: MUS 282. Co-req: MUS 287 or Instructor's consent.
MUS 286 Theory IV (3) Continuation of MUS 285. Pre: MUS 285. Co-req: MUS 288 or Instructor's consent.
MUS 287 Aural Training III (1) Advanced level of perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight-singing. Pre: MUS 284. Co-req: MUS 285 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 285L)
MUS 288 Aural Training IV (1) Continuation of MUS 287. Pre: MUS 287. Co-req: MUS 286 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 286L)
MUS 324 Choral Conducting (3) Basic conducting technique and its application to the directing of choral organizations. Includes score reading, lyric dictation, rehearsal techniques, and interpretative problems. Research in conducting skills and problems. Required: Concurrent enrollment in a choral ensemble. Pre: MUS 282 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 390)
MUS 331 Applied Music (1) Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at a foundational level. Performance at end of semester Convocation and Juries required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only. Pre: Advancement from MUS 231 or Instructor's consent. Co-req: MUS 130. (Formerly offered as MUS 335, MUS 336, MUS 435, and MUS 436)
MUS 340 Electronic Music (3) Basic techniques of electronic sound synthesis. Pre: MUS 240 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 325)
MUS 359 Music and Activism (3) An exploration of the ways in which music has been used to create and support social change. The role of music in movements involving resistance, protest, and activism for political, social, and environmental justice, both in the U.S. and globally. (Same as WS 359)
MUS 365 History of Western Music I (3) Development of Western music from its origins to the 1750. Styles, schools, and composers. Pre: MUS 160 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DA)
MUS 366 History Of Western Music II (3) Development of Western music from its origins to the twentieth century. Styles, schools, and composers. Pre: MUS 160 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DA)
MUS 367 History of Pop Music (3) MUS 367 History of American Pop Music (3) An examination of American popular music from the 16th through 21st centuries with emphasis on the music's relation to cultural and historical contexts, and technological and aesthetic developments. Listening and discussions focus on a variety of music including jazz, blues, rock and roll, reggae and hip hop. Pre: ENG 100. (Attributes: DH)
MUS 375 Japanese Music (3) Historical survey of traditional, contemporary, and Western-influenced music of Japan and study of major genres. No previous musical knowledge is required. Pre: Junior standing or consent of instructor. (Same as JPST 375). (Attributes: GAHP)
MUS 383 Orchestration (3) Survey of instruments for the orchestra and band. Study of selected scores. Basic principles of scoring and transcribing for the orchestra or band. Two semester projects. Pre: MUS 282 or Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 349)
MUS 400 Topics in Music (3) Topics in history, literature, theory, world music, and applied music. May be repeated for credit once. Pre: ENG 100. (Formerly offered MUS 465) (Attributes: DA, DH)
MUS 401 Vulcan Band (2) Rehearsals and performances for athletic events, pep rallies, and other similar events. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: Audition.
MUS 402 Jazz Orchestra (3) Instruction and rehearsal in various types/genres of depending on instrumentation and personnel. Emphasis instrumental music. Public performance may be required, on music literacy and individual performance skills. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition or instructor's consent.
MUS 404 Kapili Choir (3) Performance of choral literature, including accompanied, a capella, and major choral works. Includes pan-Pacific music and features Hawaiian language and place-based mele. May be repeated for credit as many times as desired. Pre: audition or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DA, GCC)
MUS 406A Jazz Ensemble (2) (lecture/other) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406B Collegium Musicum (Early Mus) (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406D Keyboard Accompanying (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406E Saxophone Quartet (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406F Chamber Music Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406G Brass Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406H String Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406I Woodwind Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406J Percussion Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406L New Music Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 406M Musical Theatre Ensemble (2) Rehearsals and performance of chamber music for small instrumental/vocal groups. Public performance required. May be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and consultation.
MUS 410 Ensembles (3) Performance of literature for ensembles and performing groups of various sizes and kinds; (A) Musical Theatre; (B) Vocal Chamber Ensemble; (C) Instrumental Chamber Ensemble; (Z) Other. May be repeated for credit as many times as desired. Pre: Audition and Instructor's consent. (Formerly offered as MUS 406)
MUS 419 Music in Education (3) Study of practical methods and materials used in teaching basic musical concepts in educational settings serving children and youth. Opportunities for field work will be incorporated into class activities. (Attributes: DA, GCC)
MUS 485 Form & Analysis (3) Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Larger forms with various textures; recent contemporary approaches to continuity. Pre: instructor's consent.
MUS 487 Counterpoint (3) Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Contrapuntal textures and forms. Pre: Instructor Consent.
MUS 490 Lyric Theatre (3) Examination of history, theory, and techniques that shaped American Musical Theatre, with emphasis on major composers, choreographers, and performers. Lab work in singing and other performance requirements, leading to a final performance project. Previously offered as DRAM 490. (Attributes: DA)
MUS 490L Lyric Theatre Lab (1) (lab) Experiential study of actors/singers, choreographers, and directors through scenes, songs and dances that represent the major periods and styles within musical comedy from the 1920s to the present. Emphasizes in-class performance derived from training in voice, acting, and dance. Previously offered as DRAM 490L.
MUS x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
MUS x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.