Drama (DRAM) Courses
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
DRAM 101 Introduction to Theatre (3) Theatre history and play analysis from the standpoint of production. Lab work in three aspects of play production: acting, directing, design. Previously offered as DRAM 271. (Attributes: DH, FGC)
DRAM 171 Stage Techniques (2) Required for all Performing Arts majors. Study of the basic vocabulary of the stage and the collaborative contributions of directors, actors, technicians, and house personnel. Experiential work in the development of stage presence and etiquette. May be taken concurrently with music and dance technique courses.
DRAM 221 Beginning Acting I (3) Individual exercises and group activities that emphasize voice, movement, and relaxation through in-class improvisation and performance of monologues and two-person scenes. Beginning play analysis. (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 222 Beginning Acting II (3) Continuation of DRAM 221, with emphasis on building the ensemble, basic character work, refining vocal production, and expanding movement vocabulary. Performance of group scenes from modern and contemporary plays. Play analysis based on method acting theory. Pre: DRAM 221. (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 243 Drama of Hawaiʻi & the Pacific (3) Embedded in a discourse of coloniality and indigenous perspective, this course provides an introduction to a representative range of plays written by, for, and about the people of Hawaiʻi and other Pacific islands. (Same as SOC 243) (Attributes: DH, HPP)
DRAM 280 Basic Stagecraft (3) Introduction to beginning concepts of design and construction of scenery for the stage. Overview of the development of scenography from Greek theatre to the modern proscenium stage. Study will include two- and three-dimensional scenery, properties, and finishing techniques. Pre: concurrent registration with DRAM 280L. (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 280L Basic Stagecraft Laboratory (1) (lab) Supervised work in stagecraft, lighting and sound. Pre: concurrent registration with DRAM 280.
DRAM 318 Playwriting (3) Basic course in writing for the stage. Development of theme, action, and characterization for the one-act play form. Pre: C or better in ENG 100, ENG 100T, ESL 100 or ESL 100T; or consent of instructor (Same as Eng 318) (Attributes: DA, GL)
DRAM 321 Styles Of Acting (3) Advanced study for actors who have completed Beginning Acting. Concentrated scene work, script analysis, character development, and style study. Comparative exercises in acting for the stage and camera. Performance of workshop material. Pre: DRAM 221, or Instructor Consent. (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 322 Acting Shakespeare (3) In-depth study of Shakespearean texts from the standpoint of production and acting style. Historical study of Renaissance production techniques. Performance of scenes resulting from work on vocal production, period movement, and text analysis. Pre: DRAM 221, or consent of instructor (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 330 Stage Management (3) Study of the responsibilities of a production stage manager, from rehearsals through mounting a show, as coordinator of a production team. Development of the prompt book and forms needed to organize the technical elements of a production. Pre: DRAM 101 or DRAM 221 or DRAM 280 or Instructor's Consent. (Attributes: DA)
DRAM 340 Stage Makeup (3) Studio work in design and application of stage makeup. Study and development of character, corrective, and three-dimensional makeup. Required work on major production. Pre: DRAM 101 or 221, or previous stage makeup experience, and instructor's consent.
DRAM 350 Stage Costume (3) Study of costume design, theory, and practice. Survey of historical and modern costume. Practical experience in design and construction including required work on major production. Pre: DRAM 101 or 221, or consent of instructor.
DRAM 350L Stage Costume Laboratory (1) (lab) Basic instruction in the use of sewing machines, patterns and hand-sewing techniques for costume building. Includes understanding of fabrics and specific skills related to garment construction. Required for students in DRAM 350 who do not have previous sewing experience. Pre: Concurrent enrollment in DRAM 350 and permission of the instructor.
DRAM 364 Advanced Theatre Practicum (1–4) (other) Supervised work for the advanced student in one or more of the following areas: stagecraft/construction, properties, lighting, costuming, sound, makeup, publicity, arts administration, box office techniques. May be repeated for a total of 8 semester hours. Pre: DRAM 280, or DRAM 340, or DRAM 350; and consent of the instructor.
DRAM 380 Theatre Design (3) Study of elements of scenic and lighting design for the stage. Production of renderings, models, elevations, and plots. Work on mainstage and/or studio production. Pre: DRAM 264, and art & physics courses required for PARTS degree in Technical Theatre.
DRAM 383 Japanese Theatre & Performance (3) This course introduces the performance traditions in Japan, ranging from rituals to dance and theatre-traditional art forms such as noh/kyogen, kabuki, bunraku, to modern theatre. Students examine the Japanese art forms from the anthropological and sociological perspectives. (Same as JPNS/JPST 383) (Attributes: DH, GAHP, GH, HPP)
DRAM 387 Performance Education (3) In this course, the students are guided through the process researching, writing, rehearsing and performing a series of educational and entertaining presentations that deal with science and Hawaiian culture. Presentations will be shared with the general public in a museum theater setting at Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaiʻi. Course may be repeated once for credit. Pre: COM 251 or DRAM 171 or DRAM 221 or instructor's consent. (Same as COM 387) (Attributes: GCC, HPP)
DRAM 390 Survey Of Drama Literature (3) Analysis and discussion of plays from the canon of Western dramatic literature, focusing on dramatic action, character relationships, play structure, staging, and thematic considerations. (Attributes: DL)
DRAM 419 Drama in Education (3) Study of the theory and application of creative dramatics, developmental theatre, and curriculum-centered drama activities in educational settings serving children and youth. Opportunities for field work will be incorporated into class activities. (Attributes: ALEX, DA, GCC)
DRAM 421 Acting Troupe (3) Rehearsal and performance of works from Western literature and ethnic non-Western sources, including period drama, avant-garde theatre, and the contemporary drama of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Emphasis on ensemble performance. Refinement of individual skill and group interactions acquired in acting classes. Public performance required. May be repeated twice for a total of 6 semester hours. Pre: DRAM 221 or DRAM 243 or Instructor's Consent. (Attributes: DA, GCC)
DRAM 430 Directing (3) Basic practical course in how to direct a play. Students direct one-act plays or scenes from full length plays. Pre: DRAM 101; and DRAM 221 or DRAM 280; or consent of instructor. (Attributes: DA, GCC)
DRAM 445 Lighting Design (3) (other) A seminar in theatrical lighting design and presentation. Development of the lighting plot and paperwork used in implementing designs. Study of lighting technology. Pre: DRAM 280, 380, or consent of instructor.
DRAM 483 Modern/Contemporary Drama (3) A study of works which have established or refined major traditions in modern and contemporary theater, with some reading in critical theory. Pre: ENG 100T, 100, ESL 100, or 100T and 200-level coursework in literature. (Same as ENG 483) (Attributes: DL)
DRAM x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
DRAM x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.