Journals vs. Magazines
On this page:
What Is Peer-Review?
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (3:05)
What is peer review, how is it different than a magazine, and how to find articles that qualify.
Scholarly Articles Sections
Anatomy of a Scholarly Article – be sure to click on the sections!
From North Carolina State University Libraries
Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) vs. Popular Materials Guide - compares the different characteristics of articles in magazines and journals.
From North Carolina State University Libraries
How to Read a Scientific Article (PDF)
Part of the Cain Project for Engineering and Professional Communication, Rice University
Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles
- All the journal articles in ScienceDirect are peer-reviewed, but ScienceDirect also has book chapters, conference proceedings, etc., so either limit your search to Research Articles or pay attention to what type of source you are looking at.
- JSTOR is considered a “scholarly” resource, although not all the articles in it are peer-reviewed, because many of the articles were written before the peer-review process.
Databases that have other types of materials will usually allow you to limit your search if you’re looking for only peer-reviewed articles: