Find a Journal Title

While you are conducting your academic research, you will find references to other sources, often in the bibliographies at the end of articles. LibCat's Journals by Title search allows you to see if we have access to a particular journal.

  1. Choose Your Campus:
  1. Enter the name of the journal in the search box (not the title of the article within the journal).
    Current Anthropology search

  2. You need to know when your article was published to know which database to select. For example, we have access to the journal Current Anthropology in three different databases for three different spans of time: Current Anthropology results list

  3. If the journal isn't available online, we might have a print copy - the item record will indicate where it is located, usually either in the Periodical Backfiles on the 3rd floor (Upper Level) or in the Hawaiian Collection on the 2nd floor (Main Level).

item record showing location of Hana Hou magazine in Periodical Backfiles

item record showing location of Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society in the Hawaiian Collection

  1. If Journals by Title shows that we don’t have access to the article you need, request a Loan from Other Libraries.