Why Not Just Google?

Why not just use Google for your academic research?

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others don't see the “Invisible Web,” which includes the databases that the library pays for - databases that have academically reliable resources, not just the unverified information that's all too easy to find on the internet. Watch this short video to learn more.

Cornell University’s Critically Analyzing Information Sources can help you identify ways to determine if you want to use a source for your academic work.

You can configure Google Scholar (GS) to identify content available through our library subscriptions so you can be taken to the full text if GS doesn’t have the article but we do:

  1. Select the three lines at the upper left
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Library links
  4. Search for Mookini
  5. Select the box next to “University of Hawaii at Hilo - ViewIt@Mookini”
  6. Make sure to Save!

Caution: GS doesn't “see” all the content that we have access to. You still have to also search the library's journal article databases.

The How to (Not) Use Wikipedia? page discusses some of the pros and cons of Wikipedia and how to use Wikipedia wisely.