UHHSA Committees
On this page:
The UHHSA committees are designed to help address and resolve specific issues of interest at UH Hilo. Standing Committees are permanent committees specializing in the consideration of particular subject areas of interest that the senate deems important based on student input. Ad-Hoc Committees are created throughout the year for a specific purpose, case, or situation at hand.
Committee Guidelines & Chairs
Executive Committee
Section Leader: President Chelbi Espiritu
This committee shall be comprised of the Executive board members, review items to be added to the Senate agenda, and oversee all personnel and/or litigation issues.
Student Voice
Section Leader: President Chelbi Espiritu
Board of Regents (BOR)
This committee shall consist of two senators who will attend monthly Board of Regents meetings. Their role is to maintain a student presence, establish connections with other participants at the monthly meeting, while observing and furthering UHHSA's knowledge on the policies and systematic processes that may affect UH Hilo.
University of Hawaiʻi Student Caucus (UHSC)
President Chelbi Espiritu
This committee shall represent students by monitoring system level issues, hosting caucus meetings held at UH Hilo, and represent UHHSA at caucus meetings.
Senator At Large Ian Scarth
This committee shall research and advocate for the student body at all levels of governance and work towards representing UHHSA in a professional and recognizable manner.
Campus Engagement
Public Relations
This committee shall monitor all UHHSA bulletin boards, assist UHHSA-sponsored RISOs in public relations, spread awareness of UHHSA affairs, enforce promotion of UHHSA sponsored activities, and manage a calendar of events. The chair of this committee shall serve as alternate Spokesperson for UHHSA in the absence of the President.
Vice President Ryan Goforth
This committee shall be in charge of hosting various UHHSA sponsored events on a monthly basis. Events include, but are not limited to Hoʻolauleʻa, Oh Hell Week, and Flow.
This committee shall be responsible for facilitating all aspects of the UHHSA elections which take place every year during the Spring semester.
Responsibilities include:
- promoting UHHSA throughout the entire year in order to ensure candidate transparency for each of UHHSA’s senate positions;
- for filling any open positions on the UHHSA senate as they become vacant throughout the year.
- The chairperson of this committee shall be known as the Chief Elections Officer.
- Upon accepting the role of Chief Elections Officer, this student is not eligible for candidacy in the UHHSA election they are responsible for facilitating.
Student Life
Section Leader: Vacant
This committee shall accelerate the university's ability to provide for the needs of its current and future members without compromising the long term health and vitality of our biosphere and society. The committee’s projects will focus on making tangible and quantifiable changes within the university and community that will further advance its mission. An underlying goal of the committee is to advocate for and obtain a substantial investment by the university to institutionalize the mission in the form of a funded UH Hilo Office of Sustainability.
Hilo Ambassador
This committee shall provide funding for UH Hilo students to gain exposure of Hilo as representatives of UH Hilo. Inform faculty of different possibilities for students. Select individual students for opportunities, expand the ambassador program, and move towards separating the committee from UHHSA.
Registered Independent Student Organizations (RISO) Funding
CoBE Senator Justin Neal
This committee shall coordinate and extend UHHSA Senate services and programs to RISO’s;, and correspond with RISO’s regarding funding rules, guidelines, activities and UHHSA Senate updates. This committee shall assist fellow senators in preparation and submission of resolutions, bills, or other legislation related to the operation of the UHHSA Senate.
For Registered Independent Student Organizations:
- RISO Website
- RISO Funding Application & Guidelines are updated annually in the Fall please visit the CSO Funding Committee Website for more information.
Ad-Hoc Committees
UHHSA Ad-Hoc Committees are created out of Resolutions that have been been approved by the Senate and must also have completed a petiton of support with the required UHHSA Member signiatuers. Ad-Hoc Committees havea clear and distinct goal and are active for up to 1 academic year with a minimum membership of a Chairperson and Co-Chaorperson.
DKICP Student Community and Wellbeing
DKICP Senator Gemmy Alegre
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:001
The committees charge shall be to engage and advocate for the needs of DKICP students by fostering a strong sense of community and belonging and create inclusive and vibrant activities where students, faculty, and staff can connect, collaborate, and thrive together. This ad–hoc committee shall also promote a welcoming environment, ensure students feel like a part of campus life, build lasting relationships and a supportive campus culture, and enhance students’ educational experiences and their overall holistic wellbeing.
- Establish Health Screening Events
- Engagement & Empowerment Events
- Wellness Week: Thrive & Survice
- Essential Access: Menstrual Support
Basic Needs
President Chelbi Sirach Espiritu
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:002
The committees charge shall be to focus on basic needs initiatives aimed to enhance the educational experiences and overall well-being of every UH Hilo student.
- Hale Lako
CNHS Mental Health and Wellbeing
CNHS Senator Kendall Binder
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:003
The committees charge shall be to engage and advocate for the needs of CNHS students by fostering a strong sense of community and belonging and create inclusive and vibrant activities where students, faculty, and staff can connect, collaborate, and thrive together. This ad–hoc committee shall promote a welcome environment, ensure students feel a part of campus life, build lasting relationships and a supportive campus culture, and enhance students’ educational experiences and their overall holistic wellbeing.
- Mental Health Surveys
- Mental Health Evetns
Food Insecurity
Senator-At-Large Ian Scarth
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:004
The committee is resolved to temporarily provide opportunities through events and other methods of distribution to provide food boxes during the most difficult and stressful times during the semester allowing students to more easily focus on their academics and not have to worry about preparing balanced meals.
- Food Box Distribution
- Community Engagement Events
Holistic Student Wellbeing
Senator-At-Large Nikki VO
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:005
The committee whose focus will be to engage with and advocate for the holistic needs of the entire UH Hilo Student body by hosting engaging events that connect students to resources that will benefit mental and physical well being.. This ad–hoc committee will encourage students to open the conversation regarding all aspects of health through the promotion of resources made available to.
- Mental & Physical Health Screenings
- Inforatiuonal Events
Student Nightlife
Senator-At-Large Benjamin "Ben" Rudo
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:006
The committee whose objective is to work toward engaging with and advocating for the needs of all UH Hilo students by creating environments to encourage student engagement on campus. In an effort to build a sense of community, foster a feeling of belonging and spirit of collaboration is a safe and welcoming environment, by hosting inclusive and vibrant activities where student can thrive together, be included in campus life, improve their educational wellbeing, and create lasting long term relationships.
- Expand Exisiting Study Areas for Late Night Usage
- Stock Existing Study Areas with Refreshments
- Survey Student Body
- Host Multiple Night Time Events
Ka āina: Cultural and Environmental Education
Senator-At-Large Mercy Gilniy
UHHSA Senate Resolution 24-25:007
The committees goal is to educate students about the true cultural and environmental significance of Hawaii, particularly the Big Island, ensuring they gain a deep respect for the land and its people by challenging their initial impressions and providing them with authentic knowledge.
- Cultural & Historical Lectures
- Cultural & Historical Workshops
- Cultural & Historical Field Trips
Additional Committees
UHHSA Senators also represent students on the following Campus Committees:
- Faculty Congress
- CAS Senate Committee
- Enrollment Management Implementation Team (EMIT)
- Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee (IAAC)
- Long Range Budget Planning Committee
- Student Life Center Advocacy
- Strategic Plan Progress Review Team
- Excellence in Teaching Award
- Excellence in Service Award
- Parking Appeals Board
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Advisory