Students have two program options to earn the Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.

Option 1 is for the basic student. Option 2 is for the returning R.N. who wishes to acquire the bachelor's degree.

On this page:

Option 1

Students may enter the Basic B.S.N. program, whereby two years are spent fulfilling UH Hilo General Education and Exploratory Health Sciences meta major (EXHS) or pre-core requirements. Nursing courses are introduced in the third year after formal admission into the Nursing program on a competitive basis (See B.S.N. admissions criteria.)

Option 2

The R.N. to B.S.N. program provides the candidate the opportunity for educational and professional advancement. Students may enter the R.N. to B.S.N. program only if they have a current R.N. license and after being formally admitted into the upper-division nursing program (see B.S.N. admission criteria). Students may elect to complete the program on a part-time or full-time basis. Full-time students are expected to complete the one-year (30 semester hours) course sequence. Part-time students are expected to take all non-clinical courses prior to taking courses that include practicum. Regular advisement with faculty is critical for successful completion of requirements for graduation.

Core Concepts of the UH Hilo BSN Program

As a Provider of Care and as a Teacher and Communicator

  • Able to describe concepts basic to professional nursing practice including person, environment, health, wellness, altruism, transcultural nursing care.
  • Able to recognize one's own needs to learn about the nursing profession.
  • Able to describe important teaching-learning principles important to effective nursing care.
  • Able to integrate concepts of cultural values and practices into nursing practice.

As a Manager of Care

  • Able to discuss the nurse's role in developing organized plans of care using basic principles of time management.
  • Able to discuss the role of the novice nurse in the health care delivery system.
  • Recognize useful collaborative skills in providing comprehensive multi-disciplinary care.

As a Participant Investigator

  • Develop a personal definition of the nurse-researcher
  • Recognize that there is a special body of knowledge unique to nursing.
  • Recognize the steps in the scientific method of inquiry useful to research.
  • Participate in research studies, as available.

As a Member of the Profession

  • Recognize the characteristics of a profession and professional behaviors
  • Develop a personal definition of the self-directed learner
  • Discuss the importance of fostering a commitment to life-long learning
  • Develop a personal nursing philosophy
  • Develop individual accountability
  • Discuss the use of professional standards and accountability in carrying out client care (i.e. ANA Code of Ethics, Hawaiʻi Board of Nursing: Revised Statutes Chapter 457)
  • Recognize the contribution of selected professional organizations (e.g. American Nurses Association; Transcultural Nursing Society, Sigma Theta Tau.)

As a Promoter of Transcultural Caring

  • Able to discuss the important relationship between culture and health.
  • Able to provide examples of adaptations in client care in response to the client's culture specific needs.

Nursing Courses