Search our Research Catalog - “Jacobi, James D.”
Your search for author “Jacobi, James D.” returned 37 results. You may search again below.
Akiapolaau and its remaining habitat. 1973. Database: Periodicals. Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi, Endangered species birds
An assessment of the current status of native upland habitats and associated endangered species on the island of Hawaii. 1985. Database: Monographs. Acacia koa, Endangered species, Trees Hawaii Island
Annual variation in the distribution, abundance, and habitat response of the palila (Loxioides bailleui). 1984. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring, Birds populations, Birds counting
Assessment of fuels, potential fire behavior, and management options in subalpine vegetation on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii. 2009. Database: Monographs. Vegetation surveys, Fire risk assessment, Fire management, Mauna Kea volcano
Avian surveys of large geographical areas: a systematic approach. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Bird populations, Surveys, Sampling methods, Vegetation surveys
Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds: implications for island avifauna. 2009. Database: Monographs. Forest birds, Birds conservation, Birds diseases, Birds ecology, Birds habitat, Birds breeding
Conservation status and recovery strategies for endemic Hawaiian birds. 2001. Database: Monographs. Birds conservation, Birds habitat
Determining age and sex of ʻŌmaʻo (Myadestes obscurus). 1994. Database: Periodicals. Omao, Hawaiian Thrush, Myadestes obscurus
Diets of owls and feral cats in Hawaii. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Felis catus, Feral cats, Owls, Birds, Predatory animals, Rats, Mice
Distribution and population of the endangered akiapolaau. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Endangered species birds
Distribution and status of Vicia menziesii Spreng. (Leguminosae): Hawaii's first officially listed endangered plant species. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Hawaiian vetch
Distribution maps, ecological relationships, and status of native plant communities on the island of Hawaii. 1990. Database: Monographs. Plant communities Hawaii Island, Vegetation mapping Hawaii Island
Distribution of six alien plant species in upland habitats on the island of Hawaii. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants ecology, Plant invasions, Plants Hawaii Island
Drepanidine movements in relation to food availability in subalpine weedlind on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2001. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Iiwi, Vestiaria coccinea, Apapane, Himatione sanguinea sanguinea, Birds food, Mamane, Drepanidinae, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Mauna Kea volcano
Evaluating the Long-Term Management of Introduced Ungulates to Protect the Palila, an Endangered Bird, and Its Critical Habitat in Subalpine Forest of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Feral ungulates, Alien species control, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Birds habitat Hawaii Island
Factors related to the recovery of subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Subalpine forests, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Endangered species recovery, Predatory animals control, Endangered species recoveryLoxioides bailleuiMamanePalilaPredatory animals controlSophora ChrysophyllaSubalpine forests
Hawaii's endemic birds. 1995. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian honeycreepers, Birds evolution
Identifying sex and age of akiapolaau. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Akiapolaau, Birds sexing, Birds Color
Identifying sex and age of Apapane and Iiwi on Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Apanane, Himatione sanguinea sanguinea, Iiwi, Vestiaria coccinea, Hawaii Island, Hawaiian honeycreepers
Long-term population variability in the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring palila, Surveys
Metrosideros dieback in Hawaii: a comparison of adjacent dieback and non-dieback rain forest stands. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Plant ecology, Forest ecology, Rain forests, Metrosideros polymorpha, Myrtaceae, Plant succession, Ohia dieback
Ohia dieback in Hawaii: vegetation changes in permanent plots. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Ohia-lehua diseases and pests, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Metrosideros polymorpha
Ohia rain forest study : ecological investigations of the ohia dieback problem in Hawaii. 1981. Database: Monographs. Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Hawaii Island ecology, Ohia-lehua ecology
Ohia Rain Forest Study: Ecological Investigations of the Ohia Dieback Problems in Hawaii, Final Report. 1977. Database: Monographs. Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Hawaii Island ecology, Ohia-lehua ecology
Palila (Loxioides bailleui). 2002. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Mamane
Problems with the long-term maintenance of mamane (sophora chrysophylla) in the central crater area of the Haleakala National Park. 1980. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Haleakala National Park, Endangered species Maui, Subalpine forests
Response of six species of Hawaiian forest birds to a 1991-1992 El Nino drought. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Amakihi, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Japanese White-eye, Foraging ecology, Elepaio, Birds Hawaii Island, Drought, El Nino
Sex and age identification of palila. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Molting
Site tenacity of the endangered palila. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Translocation, Birds radio tracking, Birds monitoring palila
Stand-level dieback and Metrosideros regeneration in the montane rain forest of Hawaii. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Ohia-lehua, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Metrosideros polymorpha, Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island
Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Endangered Species, Birds monitoring palila, Birds counting, Feral ungulates, Mammalian Predation, Genetics, Birds diseases, Translocation, Birds food
Status and trends of native birds in the Keauhou and Kilauea forest, Hawaii Island. 2010. Database: Monographs. Birds conservation, Birds protection, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Endangered species birds
The influence of feral pigs on a native alpine grassland in Haleakala National Park. 1976. Database: Monographs. Feral swine ecology Hawaii Island, Grassland ecology Hawaii Island
Translocation of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Translocation, Endangered species birds, Kanakaleonui
Tree densities in subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1996. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Trees Hawaii Island, Palila, Habitat conservation, Feral livestock Mauna Kea
Vegetation changes in a subalpine grassland in Hawaii following disturbance by feral pigs. 1981. Database: Monographs. Feral ungulates, Haleakala National Park, Grassland ecology Haleakala, Endangered species Maui
Vegetation maps of the upland plant communities on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, and Lanai. 1989. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Island, Plants Maui, Plants Molokai, Plants Lanai
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