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Search our Research Catalog - “Nysius wekiuicola”

Your search for keywords “Nysius wekiuicola” returned 56 results. You may search again below.

Howarth, F.G.. A brachypterous Nysius sp. from the summit of Mauna Kea. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects Mauna Kea

Polhemus, Dan A.. A preliminary survey of wekiu bug populations at Puu Hau Kea, in the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. 2001. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Surveys, Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve

Ashlock, Peter D., Gagne, Wayne C.. A remarkable new micropterous Nysius species from the aeolian zone of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). 1983. Database: Periodicals. Puu Wekiu, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Aeolian ecosystems, Insects alpine climate, Insects Mauna Kea

Edwards, John S.. Aeolian communities: Mt. Saint Helens and Mauna Kea. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Mount Saint Helens, Insects Mauna Kea, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Gon, Sam. Alpine predator: the amazing wekiu bug thrives in Mauna Kea cold. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G.. An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Task 2 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod seasonal fluctuation. 1998. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Howarth, Francis G., Brenner, Gregory J., Preston, David J.. An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve: Final report. 1999. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J., Preston, David J.. An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve: final report. Appendix A Documentation of methodology. 1999. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G.. An arthropod assessment within selected areas within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Task 4 and Task 5 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod occurrence in selected buffer zone habitats and a comparison of wekiu bug occurrence between summit and buffer habitats. 1999. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J.. An arthropod inventory and sampling plan as required in the proposal to the University of Hawaii institute for astronomy, an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Wekiu bug surveys, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Howarth, Francis G., Stone, Fred D.. An assessment of the arthropod fauna and aeolian ecosystem near the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1982. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Eiben, Jesse, Rubinoff, Daniel. Application of agriculture-developed demographic analysis for the conservation of the Hawaiian Alpine Wekiu Bug. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate

Eiben, Jesse. Applied conservation research of the wekiu bug in Hawaii: life table analysis, population genetics, and phylogenetics create a holistic view of a rare and unique species. 2012. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species, Insects alpine climate

NASA Office of Space Science,. Draft environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii. 2000. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea, Environmental monitoring Mauna Kea, Outrigger Telescope Project, Environmental impact analysis, W.M. Keck Observatory, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Puu Hau Oki

Gagne, Wayne C., Howarth, Francis G.. Entomologists discover new life. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems

NASA Office of Space Science,, Pacific Analytics (Albany OR.),. Environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii. 2002. Database: EIS. Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea, Environmental monitoring Mauna Kea, W.M. Keck Observatory, Outrigger Telescope Project, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Stephenson, Nathan Michael. High resolution habitat suitability modeling for a narrow-range endemic alpine Hawaiian species. 2016. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea, Habitat selection, Light detection and ranging (LIDAR), Microhabitats

Stephenson, Nathan, Perroy, Ryan, Eiben, Jess A., Klasner, Frederick. High resolution habitat suitability modelling for an endemic restricted-range Hawaiian insect (Nysius wekiuicola, Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). 2017. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects Mauna Kea, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Napier, A. Kam. Life at the top: the wekiu bug makes its home in one place oly: the summit of Mauna Kea. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Eiben, Jess A., Rubinoff, Daniel. Life history and captive rearing of the Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola, Lygaeidae), an alpine carnivore endemic to the Mauna Kea volcano of Hawaii. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems

Richardson, Mike. Life in Mauna Kea’s alpine desert. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Biotic communities Mauna Kea, Moths, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea

Pine, Ronald C.. Mauna Kea's wekiu bug. 2003. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea

Eaton, Leigh Anne. Modeling the ecology of the wekiu bug's Mauna Kea environment. 2011. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Altitude influence of, Ecology Hawaii Island, Snow and snowfall Hawaii Island

Evenhuis, N.L., Imada, C.. New records of nonindigenous Carabidae (Coleoptera) from the Big Island. 2013. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola, Alien species

Gagne, W.C.. Nysius wekiuicola. 1986. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems

n/a. Oceans: Life on the lava flows. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Spiders

Berger, Cynthia. Of killer caterpillars and vampire bugs. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Insects, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Center for Biological Diversity,. Petition to list the Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) as a federally endangered species. 2003. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species

Smith, Cha. Petition to list the Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) as an endangered species with critical habitat designation. Submitted to the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, by KAHEA: the Hawaiian Environmental Alliance, May 22, 2003. 2003. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species

Porter, Stephen C., R. A. Englund. Possible geologic factors influencing the distribution of the wekiu bug on Mauna Kea, Hawaii : Final report, June 2006. 2006. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Geology Mauna Kea

Howarth, Francis G., Brenner, Gregory J., Preston, David J.. Potential habitats on Mauna Kea summit science reserve: task 3 - An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, 30 September 1997. 1997. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Howarth, Francis G., Brenner, Gregory J., Preston, D.J., Oboyski, Peter. Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 1: reconnaissance and development of the trapping protocol. 1997. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G., Preston, D.J., Oboyski, Peter. Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 2: Wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during 1997. 1997. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G., Preston, D.J., Oboyski, Peter. Preliminary report on the wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during 1997. 1997. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G., Preston, D.J., Oboyski, Peter. Preliminary report on the Wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during August 1997, Population inventory methodology and sampling protocol. 1997. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Howarth, Francis G.. Proposal to furnish and deliver An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve. 1997. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Englund, R. A., Polhemus, Dan A., Howarth, Francis G., Montgomery, S.L.. Range, habitat, and ecology of the wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola), a rare insect species unique to Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island, Final report. 2002. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Eiben, Jesse. Report for OMKM detailing the UH trapping effort for Wekiu Bugs from 2007 to 2009. 2009. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea

Englund, R. A., Ramsdale, A., McShane, M., Preston, D.J., Miller, S., Montgomery, S.L.. Results of 2004 Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii island: Final report. 2005. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Englund, R. A., Vorsino, A. E., Laederich, H. M., Ramsdale, A., McShane, M., Hawaii Biological Survey,. Results of 2005 Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report. 2006. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Eiben, Jesse. Results of a preliminary Wekiu bug survey along HELCO power line conduit lines near Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve (Mauna Kea, Hawaii): July 13-15, 2011. 2011. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species, Wekiu bug surveys, Insects alpine climate

Englund, R. A., Vorsino, A. E., Laederich, H. M.. Results of the 2006 Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii island: final report. 2007. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Englund, R. A., Preston, D.J., Vorsino, A. E., Evenhuis, N.L., Myers, S., Englund, L. L.. Results of the 2007-2008 alien species and wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island, final report. 2009. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Englund, R. A., Preston, D.J., Myers, S., Englund, L. L., Imada, C., Evenhuis, N.L., Hawaii Biological Survey,. Results of the 2009 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report. . 2010. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Englund, R. A., Preston, D.J., Myers, S., Imada, C., Englund, L. L., Hawaii Biological Survey,, Bishop Museum,. Results of the 2010 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report. 2012. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Preston, D.J., Englund, R. A., Myers, S., Imada, C., Garcia, J., Hawaii Biological Survey,, Bishop Museum,. Results of the 2011 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report. 2012. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Preston, D.J., Englund, R. A., Evenhuis, N.L., Imada, C., Hawaii Biological Survey,, Bishop Museum,. Results of the 2012 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report. 2013. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug surveys, Nysius wekiuicola

Eiben, Jesse. Results of the Thirty Meter Telescope proposed site evaluation for the Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola): Fall 2008. 2008. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea

Duman, John G., Montgomery, Steven L.. Subzero temperature adaptations in arthropods from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects Mauna Kea, Spiders, Caterpillars

Poff, Kristen E., Stever, Heather, Reil, Jonathan B., Seabourn, Priscilla, Ching, Alexander J., Aoki, Sayaka, Logan, Michel, Michalski, Jennifer, Santamaria, Jessika, Adams, Jesse W., Eiben, Jesse A., Yew, Joanne Y., Ewing, Curtis, Magnacca, Karl N., Bennett, Gordon M.. The Native Hawaiian Insect Microbiome Initiative: a critical perspective for Hawaiian insect evolution . 2017. Database: Periodicals. Nysius wekiuicola, Wekiu bug

Kahea, The Hawaiian Environmental Alliance. To list the wekiu bug as an endangered species. 2003. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species

Belluomini, Linda. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species assessment and listing priority assignment form - Wekiu bug. 2011. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Eaton, Leigh Anne, Businger, Steven. Using a snow drift model to simulate eolian drift and snowfall on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Snow and snowfall Hawaii Island, Mauna Kea, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola

Brenner, Gregory J., Pacific Analytics L.L.C.. Wekiu bug baseline monitoring, quarterly report. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Wekiu bug periodicals, Nysius wekiuicola

Brenner, Gregory J., Lockwood, John, Pacific Analytics L.L.C., Geohazards Consultants International, Inc.. Wekiu bug habitat quantitative cinder evaluation. 2005. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Brenner, Gregory J.. Wekiu bug monitoring project (appeared on Malama Mauna Kea). 2011. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Outrigger Telescopes Project

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