DVD and CD Requests

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DVD and CD Requests – for materials available within the UH System (wanted within two weeks)

See a DVD or CD in LibCat that’s not available at Mookini Library? Place a hold on it by following the steps below and you can have the item sent to UH Hilo for you to check out within 7 days (except recalled items).

  1. Verify in LibCat that the desired item is not available within the UH Hilo Library Collection by looking at the location section on the item’s record. Items available within our collection will start with “Edwin H. Mookini Library” and can be located within the library.
  2. After verifying that the item is not available within the Mookini Library, select “Get This Item” in the item's record.
  3. If you are not already logged on, you will be asked to do so by entering your UH username and password.
  4. The “Preferred Pickup Institution” should default to UH Hilo.
  5. Click “Send Request.”
  6. You will receive an email if the lending library decides to cancel the request or when the item is available for pick up. Please check your spam filter as some email notices have been showing up there. Recalled items may take up to 3 weeks to arrive.
  7. To pick up your items from the Mookini Library, go to the Circulation Desk and let them know you have some items on hold for you. Make sure to bring a valid UH System ID or a valid government-issued ID so we can check out the item directly to you.
  8. You can view the status of your requests by going to the “My Account” area in LibCat.

Renewing Checked Out Materials

Many materials are able to be renewed providing no other borrower has requested them. Renewals depend upon the kind of material, the collection from which the item was borrowed, and the borrower’s privileges.

Renewals may be done in two ways:

  • In person at the Circulation Desk. Bring the item you want renewed along with a validated UH ID or government-issued ID.
  • Online via LibCat. Look at the due date after requesting the renewal. If a new due date is not given, then the item has not been renewed and the original due date remains.

DVD Show Date Requests – for materials available within the UH System (wanted more than two weeks from now)

To request a DVD from UH Hilo or from other UH campuses using show dates, follow these steps:

  1. Verify in LibCat that the desired item is available within the UH System.
  2. After verifying that the item is available within the UH System, select “get this item” in the item’s record.
  3. If you are not already logged on, you will be asked to do so by entering your UH username and password.
  4. From the menu, select “Class Showing (Faculty Only).”
  5. Fill out the form.
  6. Select “Submit.”
  7. You will receive either a confirmation email indicating that the library is willing to lend the item or a cancellation email if the library is unwilling.
  8. Shortly before your pick up date, you will receive an email when the item is available for check out. Please check your spam filter as some email notices have been showing up there.
  9. Please email avhilo@hawaii.edu if you need to cancel or modify the show date.
  10. To pick up your items from the Mookini Library, go to the Circulation Desk and let them know you have some items on hold for you. Make sure to bring a valid UH System ID or a valid government-issued ID so we can check out the item directly to you.