Joseph H. Genz

Chair and Associate Professor, Anthropology; Director, Islands of Opportunity Alliance (IOA)-LSAMP

(808) 932-7267

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 266

(808) 932-7264

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 264

(808) 932-7268

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 267

(808) 932-7263

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 263

(808) 932-7265

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 265

(808) 932-7271

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 269

(808) 932-7261

(808) 932-7098

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 261

Affiliate Faculty

  • Suzanne Romaine has been Merton Professor of English Language at the University of Oxford since 1984. Her research interests lie primarily in historical linguistics and sociolinguistics. She has conducted extensive fieldwork in Europe, first on the language of working class school-children in Scotland and subsequently on patterns of bilingualism and language loss among Panjabi speakers in England; as well as in the Pacific Islands region, first in Papua New Guinea on the language of rural and urban schoolchildren, and most recently in Hawaiʻi.

Student Awards and Recognition