Linguistics (LING) Courses
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
LING 102 Introduction to Linguistics (3) A broad introduction to general linguistics: survey of phonology, morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis, and historical and comparative linguistics. (Formerly LING/ ENG 203). (Attributes: DH, GL)
LING 133 Elem Indig Lang (3) Examine formal study of indigenous languages and issues of formal writing systems. For highly fluent native speakers, immersion school students, and others with similar levels of fluency. May be specific to language spoken or systematic attention to target skills with students speaking several different languages. A) Systematic for multiple languages, B) Navajo, C) Chuukese, D) Central Alaskan Yup'ik E) Samoan, F) Other. May be taken again if the sub-letters are different. Pre: LING 102 and fluency in an indigenous or minority autochthonous language appropriate to the sub- letter. NOTE: Fluency in Hawaiian cannot be used to enroll in sub-letter A of this course.
LING 221 Intro to Language (3) Linguistically oriented approaches to human behavior, including ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The way language functions in culture, society, and the cognitive processes. (Same as LING 221)
LING 233 Inter Indig Langs (3) Continuation of LING 133. A) systematic for multiple languages, B) Navajo, C) Chuukese, D) Central Alaskan Yupik, E) Samoan, F) Other. May be taken again if the sub- letters are different. Pre: LING 133 with same sub-letter.
LING 311 Phonetics and Phonology (3) Provides a conceptual framework and practical skills to engage in work in phonetics and phonology. Course includes training in the production and perception of speech sounds, as well as the physiological and acoustic description of them. Students learn IPA transcription symbols and practice analyzing phonological data based on the languages of the world. Pre: LING 102 or 121 or instructor's consent.
LING 320 Hist Of The English Lang (3) The major developments in the English language from the 5th century to the present day. Pre: ENG/ESL 100, LING 102 or LING 121, or instructor's consent. (Same as ENG 320)
LING 321 Morphology And Syntax (3) Introduction to grammatical analysis and theory; practical experience in solving problems in morphology and syntax, using data drawn from a wide variety of languages. Pre: LING 102 or instructor's consent. (Same as ANTH 321 and ENG 321)
LING 324 Modern English Grammar & Usage (3) The fundamentals of English grammar and syntax, conventions of written and spoken English, and rhetorical choices at the sentence level. Pre: C or better in ENG 100, ENG 100T, ESL 100, ESL 100T, HAW 201, KHAW 201, JPNS 201, FIL 201, CHNS 201, or SPAN 201. (Same as ENG 324)
LING 331 Lang in Culture & Society (3) An examination of the articulation of language in social and cultural context, including topics relevant to sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics. Pre: ANTH/LING 221 or LING 102 or instructor's consent. (Same as ANTH 331)
LING 333 Psycholinguistics (3) Theory and method in the investigation of the relationship between language and cognition, first and second language acquisition, speech pathologies. Pre: LING 102 or PSY 100 or instructor's consent. (Same as PSY 333)
LING 344 Children And Language (3) Strategies of language acquisition used by children; emphasis on investigative skills and methods, including some field work. Pre: LING 102 or ANTH/LING 221.
LING 345 Historical & Comparative Ling (3) This course provides an introduction to the principles of historical linguistics beginning with a survey of the features of the world's language families. A problem-solving approach is adopted as students learn the comparative method of reconstruction and actually engage in the linguistic reconstruction of protolanguages.
LING 347 Pidgins And Creoles (3) A study of the world's pidgins and Creoles with special reference to the Pacific region; the origin and nature of pidgins and Creoles; the relationship of Hawaiian Creole English to other Creoles in the world; the link between the development of a Creole and language acquisition. Recommended: LING 102 or 121. (Same as ANTH 347 and ENG 347) (Attributes: GAHP)
LING 350 Second Lang Acquisition Theory (3) Current research and theories of learning a second or additional language from social, psychological and linguistic perspectives. Topics include the attainment of communicative competence, the critical period hypothesis, focus on form, individual learning styles, and learner autonomy. The emphasis is on how the knowledge of second language acquisition theory helps improve the quality of classroom language teaching. Pre: LING 102 or instructor's consent. (Same as ENG 350) (Attributes: DH, GL)
LING 351 Method Foreign Lang Tchg (3) Foreign language teaching and learning from the perspectives of theory and practice. The application of modern linguistics to specific problems confronting the teacher. Pre: LING 102 or instructor's consent.
LING 356 Language and Gender (3) Students engage in the analysis of gender as it relates to language and society. Provides students with analytic resources for thinking critically about the relationship between language and social practice. Students gather and analyze data based on current theories. Pre: ENG/ESL 100 or 100T and LING 102, or instructor's consent. (Same as ENG 356 and WS 356)
LING 410 Semantics & Pragmatics (3) Introduction to the fundamentals and modern theories of meaning, reference and the relations between language and knowledge of the world. Ways in which the interpretation of sentences in natural languages depends upon the literal meaning of propositions and their logical (semantic) and contextual (pragmatic) inferences. Pre: LING 102 or instructor's consent.
LING 412 Discourse Analysis (3) This course examines the structure of function of language as its actually used in different contexts, including newspaper articles, poetry, doctor-patient interactions, news broadcasts, classrooms, and court trials. Students also gain experience in gathering, presenting, and analyzing their own data. (Attributes: DH, DS, GL)
LING 432 Critical Applied Linguistics (3) This course examines issues in applied linguistics such as language teaching, language learning, language policy, language ideology, linguistic human rights, and linguistic imperialism by considering indigenous language situations, dominant and minority languages as well as the notion of English as global language in order to appreciate the complex relationship between language and power. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, FGB, GCC)
LING 434 Indigenous Languages of the US (3) This course surveys Indigenous languages of the US and the communities that speak them, focusing on a representative sample for closer study. The role of languages in maintaining cultural identity is examined and prospects for the future of Indigenous languages are assessed. Pre: LING 102
LING 442 Languages in Hawaiʻi (3) This course explores the linguistic situation of Hawaiʻi with a focus on the history, structure, and political situation of the diverse set of languages spoken in the Islands. Languages to be examined include, but are not limited to, Hawaiian, Hawaiian Creole English, Japanese, Chinese, Ilocano, Portuguese, and Korean. Pre: LING 102 (Attributes: ALEX, GCC, HPP)
LING 445 Explor Bilingual & Immers Ed (3) This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about, experience, and engage in research about bilingual and immersion education, which serves as the basis for many language revitalization efforts throughout the world. Prerequisite: Linguistics 102.
LING 451 Structure Of Japanese I (3) Phonology, morphology, syntax of modern colloquial grammar. Pre: LING 102 and JPNS 202 or instructor's consent. (Same as JPNS 451) (Attributes: GAHP)
LING 452 Structure Of Japanese II (3) Phonology, morphology, syntax of modern colloquial grammar. Pre: LING 102 and JPNS 202 or instructor's consent. (Same as JPNS and JPST 452) (Attributes: GAHP)
LING 490 Res and Methods in Linguistics (3) This course serves as a capstone course in Linguistics, offering student the opportunity to engage in in-depth research on a linguistic topic of their choice. Students first read articles and write reaction papers to those articles, then write a proposal describing and defending and their topic choice, and next engage in research on their topic and produce an outline of their final paper. Then, at the conclusion of the semester, students present their papers to their peers and faculty and submit a research paper of at least 15 pages. Pre: LING 102, 311 and 321. (Attributes: ALEX)
LING x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
LING x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.