B.S. in Chemistry: Health Sciences Requirements
Group 1. General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural, and Integrative Requirements in effect Fall 2018
Students may choose to graduate under the General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural and Integrative requirements and graduation requirements in force at the time they entered the UH System, when they entered UH Hilo, or when they graduate, provided there is no break in enrollment.
Students should meet with their academic advisor to ensure that they enroll in courses that will enable them to meet these requirements as well as requirements for the major and for graduation. Some courses may meet both General Education requirements and major requirements.
The new GE foundations, diversification, structural and integrative requirements and lists of certified courses are posted on the General Education website.
Group 2. Major Requirements and Assigned Credits (68-70 credits)
1. Required courses from Chemistry for the Health Sciences Track (33)
- CHEM 161-161L General Chemistry I (3), General Chemistry I Lab (1)
- CHEM 162-162L General Chemistry II (3), General Chemistry II Lab (1)
- CHEM 272-272L Organic Chem I (3), Organic Chem I Lab (2)
- CHEM 273-273L Organic Chem II (3), Organic Chem II Lab (2)
- CHEM 274-274L Principles of Analytical Chem (3), Princ Analytical Chem Lab (2)
- CHEM 350-350L Phys Chem for Life Sci (3), Phys Chem for Life Sci Lab (2)
- CHEM 495A-495B Seminar (1), Seminar (1)
- CHEM Elective: A minimum of three additional credits in upper division CHEM courses (3)
2. Required courses from related fields for the Health Sciences track (35-37)
- BIOL 171-171L Introductory Biology I (3), Introductory Biology I Lab (1)
- BIOL 172-172L Introductory Biology II (3), Introductory Biology II Lab (1)
- BIOL 243-243L Human Anatomy & Physiology I (3), Human Anatomy & Physio I Lab (1)
- BIOL 244-244L Human Anatomy & Physiology II (3), Human Anatomy & Physio II Lab (1)
- BIOL 275-275L Fund Microbiology (3), Microbiology Lab (1) or BIOL 375-375L Biology of Microorganisms (3), Biology of Microorganisms Lab (1) See note 7
- COM 251 Public Speaking (3)
- MATH 241 Calculus I (4)
- PHYS 151-151L College Physics I (3), College Physics I Lab (1) or PHYS 170-170L Gen Phys I: Mechanics (4), Gen Phys I Lab (1)
- PHYS 152-152L College Physics II (3), College Physics II Lab (1) or PHYS 272-272L Gen Phys II: Elec & Magnetism (4), Gen Phys II Lab (1) See note 6
Total Semester Hours Required for the B.S. in Chemistry
120 credits required.
- The minimum required GPA for courses taken for the major is 2.0 (C).
- The minimum acceptable grade for each course taken for the major is 2.0 (C).
- Health Sciences Chemistry majors must take at least 10 upper division credits (courses 300 or above).
- To earn a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, students must fulfill the requirements for the major and meet all of the University’s other baccalaureate degree requirements. (Please see the Baccalaureate Degree Requirements in this catalog.)
- Students should always check course prerequisites and the frequency with which courses are offered.
- Students have a choice of taking PHYS 152 College Physics II (3) – PHYS 152L College Physics II Lab (1) or PHYS 272 Gen Phys II: Elec & Magnetism (4) - PHYS 272L Gen Phys II Lab (1) . MATH 242 Calculus II (4) is not required by the BS in Chemistry - Health Sciences program but it is a prerequisite for the calculus-based PHYS 272 Gen Phys II: Elec & Magnetism (4) - PHYS 272L Gen Phys II Lab (1) courses.
- Students have a choice of taking BIOL 275 Fund Microbiology (3) - BIOL 275L Microbiology Lab (1) or BIOL 375 Biology of Microorganisms (3) - BIOL 375L Biology of Microorganisms Lab (1) . If students choose to take the BIOL 375 Biology of Microorganisms (3) - BIOL 375L Biology of Microorganisms Lab (1) courses, it should be noted that BIOL 270 Intermed Cell & Molecular Biol (3) is a prerequisite for BIOL 375 Biology of Microorganisms (3) and BIOL 270L Inter Cell & Molecular Bio Lab (1) is a prerequisite for BIOL 375L Biology of Microorganisms Lab (1) .
- To ensure progress toward degree completion, students are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor each semester before registering.