Facility Use Policy

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Use of all University facilities is governed by the Facility Use Policy promulgated by the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi. This document is available for perusal on the Campus Center website.

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Campus Center is designated under the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UH Hilo) Facility Use Practices and Procedures (Rev January 2017) as a “Special Facility”, with a primary interest in service to the regularly enrolled students of UH Hilo, with separate procedures governing use and scheduling.

The Campus Center operation practices and procedures, outlined in the following sections, are in accordance with the University of Hawaiʻi Facilities Use Policy and the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Practices and Procedures. In any areas where the Campus Center Facility Use Practices and Procedures are silent, the UH Hilo Facility Use Practices and Procedures shall apply.

Campus Center Hours

  1. Current hours for the various Campus Center operations, programs and services are posted in the Campus Center office, rm 210. The Campus Center office is open from 7:45am to 4:30pm on regular working days.
  2. Except for reserved areas, the Campus Center will be closed on holidays, weekends and other specified UH Hilo closure days.
  3. By special arrangement, with prior reservations and possible additional charges, the Campus Center rooms, Plaza and the Library Lanai may be used outside regular operating hours. Regular operating hours for reserved rooms are from 7:45am to 9:00pm, during the academic year. Special hours may be set for non-instructional days, holidays and summers.
  4. In instances of special scheduling before normal operating hours, 7:00am will be the earliest opening time.
  5. In instances of special scheduling after normal operating hours, on Mondays through Thursdays the latest closing shall be at 10:00pm. On Fridays, Saturdays and days prior to University closure days, the latest closing shall be at 11:00pm.
  6. Special scheduling requires the prior approval of the Campus Center Director or the Director’s designee.
  7. Special hours of operation during Winter, Spring and Summer breaks will be posted on the Campus Center reservation website.

Facility Use


(1) Chartered Student Organizations (CSOs)
CSOs hold a charter from the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi. UH Hilo CSOs are the Board of Media Broadcasting (BoMB), the Board of Student Publications (BoSP), the Campus Center Fee Board (CC Fee), the Student Activities Council (SAC) and the UH Hilo Student Association (UHHSA).
(2) Department
means any unit, program or office authorized by the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi.
(3) Registered Independent Student Organizations (RISOs)
are organizations, aka clubs, comprised of at least six (6) currently registered UH Hilo students, who have been recognized and registered by the Campus Center.
(4) Sponsorship
means the assuming of all responsibilities in conducting an event or activity.
(5) Co-sponsorship
means the assuming of equal responsibilities, including financial, by a University organization or department with another University or non-University affiliated organization conducting an event or activity.
(6) University Organizations
are departments, colleges, offices and programs of the University of Hawaiʻi authorized by the University or the UH Hilo Chancellor.


Scheduling priorities shall be in the following order:

  1. CSOs and RISOs sponsoring events and activities related to their function and purpose.
  2. University departments sponsoring or co-sponsoring events or activities related to the educational functions of the University.
  3. State and County agencies, with reciprocal use agreements, sponsoring educational events or activities related to their agencies’ functions and purposes.
  4. Off-campus organizations, which are operated on a not-for-profit basis, who use it for charitable, civic, community, cultural or educational activities.

Specific Building Areas

  1. Meeting rooms may be reserved for scheduled use on a first-reserved basis after the preferential period allowed annually to the Priority 1 CSOs.
  2. The Lava Tube Gameroom may be reserved for University group use after regular operating hours. Staff fees may be charged. The Lava Tube Gameroom is only available during the academic year.
  3. The rm 301 lanai is available for special functions only in connection with the reserved use of CC rm 301.
  4. Campus Center rooms 301 and 306, the Plaza and the Library Lanai are available for reserved scheduling. All other rooms and spaces, including lobbies, are open areas or program offices and are not reservable.
  5. Reasonable use of the 3rd floor lobby may be acceptable with prior approval of the Campus Center Director or designee.
  6. The dining room may be reserved and arrangements should be made with the UH Hilo Food Services Contractor, Sodexo.

Restrictions on Building Use

  1. All statutes, ordinances, and policies of the State, County and University shall apply. Users are responsible for the behavior of their members and guests. Failure to observe such statutes, ordinances and policies may result in forfeiture of any deposit and/or suspension of facility use privileges.
  2. Users are responsible for reading and abiding by the general regulations governing the use of the Campus Center rooms, the Plaza and the Library Lanai as stated on the Campus Center reservations website.
  3. CSOs and Campus Center programs may have an unlimited number of reservations. All others are limited to six reservations at a time. This restriction is to allow for fair access to the facility. Contact the Campus Center Director, or designee, to request more than six reservations at a time.
  4. In addition to other requirements which may be imposed, non-University affiliated groups shall be required to:
    1. Observe established University and campus policies and practices.
    2. Indemnify, defend and hold harmless the University of Hawaiʻi, the State of Hawaiʻi and all its agents and employees from any liability arising out of the actions of the organization or its agents when using the facility. An indemnification form will be sent to the user when the reservation is confirmed.
    3. Provide evidence of appropriate and adequate insurance protection, a minimum of $1 million, covering property damage, personal injury and/or death arising out of use of the facility. The user shall name the University as additional insured for the duration of the facility use.

      External users who do not carry liability insurance may apply for special event liability coverage through the Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP). A certificate of insurance can be generated once insurance is obtained. Request insurance information from Campus Center when making your reservation. Insurance is required for all external catering customers of Sodexo Dining Services.
    4. Compensate the University according to the terms provided in the agreement for the use of the facility.
    5. Reimburse the University for any damage (normal wear and tear excluded) to the facility resulting from their use.
    6. Show that use of the Campus Center is not in competition with privately-owned facilities

Scheduling Policy

  1. Scheduling, using the priorities set in section II-B. above, shall be on a first-reserved basis. The email acknowledging the reservation has been made will be followed by another email, within a few days, confirming the reservation. If no confirmation is received after that period, contact the Campus Center office to determine if the reservation was received. The user should publicize the location of the event only after receiving the confirmation.
  2. Meeting rooms, if not previously reserved, may be used on a walk-in basis. Go to the Campus Center office to inquire if use is possible.
  3. Advanced scheduling:
    1. Reservations for Priority 1 groups will be confirmed up to 18 months prior to the date(s) requested. CSOs may schedule series events for the academic year with no maximum limit. RISOs may hold up to six reservations at any given time. Priority 1 groups may hold annual reservations for events that are traditionally or regularly held at particular times.
    2. Reservations for Priority 2 groups will be confirmed no earlier than 4 months prior to the date(s) requested.
    3. Reservations for Priority 3 groups will be confirmed no earlier than 2 months prior to the date(s) requested. 1. Reservations will be accepted no earlier than 30 days in advance of the Fall or Spring semesters.
    4. Reservations for Priority 4 groups can be confirmed no earlier than 1 month prior to the date(s) requested.
  4. The University has authority and reserves the right to cancel, postpone or alter arrangements for any event, when necessary.


  1. An estimate of facility and staff charges will be assessed when the reservation is made. When applicable, a non-refundable deposit of 25% of the charges is required to confirm a reservation.
    1. Final charges will be calculated after the actual use.
    2. The user is responsible for changing the start and/or end time of the use. If actual use time is less than reserved, the user will be billed for the reserved time, not actual use. Should the actual use exceed the reserved time, final charges will be based on actual use.
  2. Service charges will be assessed for any set-up and/or clean-up and other services provided by the Campus Center staff.
  3. The Campus Center shall determine if custodian and security services are required and the user will be billed for direct costs as listed on the reservations website. Services will be secured by Campus Center.
  4. In general, Priority 1, 2, and 3 groups may use the Campus Center with no deposit or rental fee charges. However, there may be charges for set-up, clean-up, non-regular use staff time and other related costs. When there are such charges, no deposit is required.
  5. Other off-campus users, Priority 4 groups, will be charged for use of the facility as established in the rate schedule.
  6. When engaging in fund-raising/admission-charged activities, all users, with the exception of the chartered and registered student organizations, shall be charged according to a formula to cover the direct and indirect expenses and any extraordinary expenses associated with the use of the facility.
  7. The Campus Center Director may waive or reduce the charges for use of the facility.


  1. To avoid penalties, a reservation must be officially cancelled, by the group's contact person, 24 hours prior to the event. If the reservation is during non-regular hours, it shall be cancelled no later than 72 hours prior to the event. Cancellations must be made, using the control # issued with the reservation confirmation, via the Campus Center website. Non-cancellation may result in forfeiture of deposit, staff time and other services fees, as well as possible loss of future use privileges.
  2. Failure to pay charges within 30 days of billing shall result in suspension of use privileges until all charges are cleared. Repeated late payments shall result in loss of use privileges. Registered organizations (RISOs) may have their registration suspended or terminated.
  3. A refundable security deposit shall be assessed for all events sponsored by off-campus groups. The deposit shall be held until the Campus Center has checked the area(s) used and determined that it has been appropriately cleaned and re-set. A determination on the deposit refund shall be done within 10 working days of the event.


  1. University-affiliated organizations may co-sponsor events or activities with other organizations. Reservations for co-sponsored events shall be submitted by the head of the University department, office, or organization serving as the event or activity co-sponsor.
    1. Individual faculty, staff, or student membership in a community organization does not constitute University affiliation. 2 . Requesting co-sponsorship with a University department, office or organization for the purpose of obtaining free use of the Campus Center is prohibited. In a co-sponsored event or activity, the co-sponsoring University organizations shall be responsible for all damages or losses resulting from the use of the facility. 2. In addition, co-sponsoring organizations shall comply with all University and campus rules and regulations.

Food Service

  1. All food and refreshments must have written approval of the Environmental Health and Safety Officer except when food service is supplied by a UH Hilo contracted food contractor.
  2. Alcohol is permitted only as part of the food service operation or at special catered events held in the main dining hall. For any event, not catered by the UH Hilo Food Services contractor, authorization for alcohol service must be secured from the Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and the Chancellor after a preliminary recommendation from by the Campus Center Director. If you state that your event will include alcohol, the Campus Center will forward a request to serve alcohol form to you. A copy of your approved request must be returned to the Campus Center before your reservation will be confirmed.
    1. Activities and events sponsored by CSOs or RISOs shall be alcohol-free.


  1. Only authorized facility key holders shall remain in the administrative areas of the Campus Center outside of regular business hours. They are responsible for the security of the area upon leaving. Keys issued to authorized key holders are non-transferrable.
    1. The Campus Center Director shall be responsible for determining specific procedures and penalties for key holders. These procedures and penalties are stated in the Campus Center key request application.
  2. Building managers and/or other authorized Campus Center staff shall be responsible for opening, supervising and closing the facility for users whose reservations are outside the regular business hours.

Publicity and Posting

  1. Materials shall be posted only in designated areas of the Campus Center. All materials to be posted must be brought to the Campus Center office for approval. Campus Center staff will post them. Posted but unapproved materials will be removed. Publicity and posting regulations are available in the Campus Center office.
  2. University regulations prohibit commercial advertising on any campus building, structure, facility or grounds. All such advertising will be removed by Campus Center or Auxiliary Services staff.


  1. Violations of any Campus Center and/or UH Hilo Facility Use Practices and Procedures and/or of the University of Hawaiʻi Facility Use Policy, or the terms of any executed use or rental agreement shall be grounds to terminate or deny the right of an organization or group to use University campus facilities.
  2. In the event a violation occurs, every effort shall be made to settle the question in consultation with the organization or group before any action is taken.

Questions, concerns or requested exceptions to this policy and its procedures should be addressed to the Campus Center Director, Lai Sha Bugado, via email to sdelo@hawaii.edu.