Library of Congress Classification

This table does not show all Library of Congress Classifications. Find exact call numbers for books in LibCat.
Call Number Subject Area Floor
A General Works Main
B-BD Philosophy Main
BF Psychology Main
BH-BX Religion and Theology Main
C History of Civilization:
Antiquities, Chronology, Heraldry, Genealogy, Biography
D General History Main
DA History - Great Britain Main
DB-DJ History - Europe and Russia Main
DS History - Asia Main
DT History - Africa Main
DU History - Oceania Main
E History - America Main
E-F History - United States Main
F History - Canada, Mexico, Central and South America Main
G-GA General Geography and Cartography Main
GB-GC Physical Geography and Oceanography Main
GE-GV Anthropology, Folklore, Customs, Recreation Main
H-HA General Social Sciences Lower
HB-HJ Economics Lower
HM-HZ Sociology Lower
J Political Science Lower
K Law Lower
L Education Lower
M Music Lower
N Visual Arts: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting Lower
P General Language and Literature Lower
PA Classical Language and Literature Lower
PB-PH Modern European Languages Lower
PJ-PL Oriental Language and Literature Lower
PN Literary History Lower
PR English Literature Lower
PS American Literature Lower
PZ Juvenile Literature Lower
Q General Science Lower
QA Mathematics and Computers Lower
QB Astronomy Lower
QC Physics Lower
QD Chemistry Lower
QE Geology Lower
QH Natural History and Biology Lower
QK Botany Lower
QL Zoology Lower
QM Human Anatomy Lower
QP Physiology Lower
QR Microbiology Lower
QS-QZ Preclinical Sciences Lower
R Medicine Lower
S Agriculture, Plant and Animal Industry Lower
T Technology and Engineering Lower
U Military Science Lower
V Naval Science Lower
W Medicine (National Library of Medicine Classification) Lower
Z Bibliography and Library Science Lower