LibCat Account

To see your library account, Sign in at the upper right of the LibCat for your campus. Sign in link may be three dots on mobile devices.

LibCat shows:

  • what items you have borrowed and renewal options
  • when items are due
  • what items you have requested
  • what fines and fees you have

When renewing item(s) be sure to check the new due date as not all items can be renewed.

LibCat My Library Card showing Overview, Loans, Requests, Fine+Fees, Blocks+Messages, Personal Details and "If you have borrowed item(s) from another library, you may need to select that library name to see the dued date(s)."

If you Sign in when you begin using LibCat, you can also save item records and searches.
LibCat Favorites: Saved Records, Saved Searches, Search History