Research Statements of Interest and Funding Opportunity Announcements

Requests for Proposals (RFPs), funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), and requests for statements of interest (RSIs or SOIs) can be found here.

Haleakala summitHaleakala, Maui. Photo Credit: Jadelynn Moniz Nakamura

On this page:

Current Funding Opportunity Announcements

Navy Base Guam Area of Responsibility Kitsugawa Maru archaeological Documentation (SfM) and Biological Characterization

This project will provide cultural resources support to the Navy Base Guam(NBG) Cultural Resource Manager (CRM) in order to comply with OPNAV 5090.1E, NHPA, ARPA, all applicable regulations and agreement documents, as well as other historic research and preservation requirements under the Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans (ICRMP) within the NBG AOR. The DON is seeking statements of interest from the Hawaii-Pacific Islands Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) network. Approximately $96,506 is expected to be available to support this cultural resources support group (contingent upon availability of funds).
See Full Announcement for submission details
- RSOI for NBG Kitsugawa Maru Cultural Resources
- Scope of Work NBG Kitsugawa Maru Cultural Resources
- Terms and Conditions NBG Kitsugawa Maru Cultural Resources

Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
DoN intends to use fiscal year 2024 funds for this project. In order to be considered, Statements of Interest shall be submitted by no later than 0900 Chamorro Standard Time (local Guam time) on 12 August 2024.

Please send electronic responses and direct questions to the following:
Thelman Fontenot, Contract Specialist, Tel: (671) 349-4119
Nakisha Garrido

UPDATED DUE DATE - Kaiʻwi Channel, Hawai’i Traditional Cultural Landscapes

UPDATED DEADLINE: August 12, 2024. Previously: The purpose of this study is to provide critical information to BOEM in support of its offshore historic preservation responsibilities. The project will have three primary components: 1) compile data from archival and secondary sources of known, reported, and potential traditional cultural landscapes and cultural resources near the islands of Oʻahu and Molokaʻi, specifically focusing on the Kaʻiwi Channel; 2) compile and summarize appropriate ethnographic information from Native Hawaiian communities regarding types of traditional use areas and traditional cultural places that could be impacted by offshore development; and 3) refine or develop guidance documents that identify Best Practices and protocols for engaging with Native Hawaiian communities, respecting traditional Indigenous Knowledge and including appropriate selected elements of traditional knowledge within the NHPA and NEPA review processes. Funding Opportunity Number: 'M24AS00316'. An estimated $450,000 is available for this project.

Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
UPDATED: BOEM intends to use fiscal year 2024 funds for this project. In order to be considered, applications shall be submitted no later than 5:00 PM ET on 12 August 2024.

See Full Announcement for submission details.

Comprehensive Stranding Investigations for High Priority Marine Mammal Species in the Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos, Navy US Pacific Fleet, located at Pearl Harbor, HI

A cooperative agreement is being offered only to members of one of the following Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units Regions: Hawaii Pacific Islands / Californian / Pacific Northwest CESU Regions. Award will be made upon mutual agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the request for proposal and the recipient’s CESU Master Agreement. Note the established CESU Program indirect rate is 17.5%. Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential organizations for this project. Approximately $250,335.00 is expected to be available to support this project for the Base period. Additional funding may be available to the successful recipient for optional tasks and/or follow on work in subsequent years.

Submission of Statements of Interest:
Statements of Interest are due NLT 5:00 PM CDT on Thursday, August 8, 2024.

See Full Announcement for submission details.

Submit your Statement of Interest via e-mail attachments or direct questions to:
Nicholas A. Aprea, Grants Specialist, USACE, Fort Worth District
Kathy Mitchell, Project Manager, USACE, Fort Worth District

Baseline Environmental and Socioeconomic Studies to Support Potential Offshore Wind Energy Development in the U.S. Territories

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) oversees the exploration and development of oil, natural gas and other minerals and renewable energy alternatives on the Nation's outer continental shelf (OCS).The purpose of this Request for Letters of Interest (LOI) is to identify cooperative research in the U.S. Territories that will instigate the sharing of information, the joint utilization of available expertise and the potential development of monitoring arrangements to support the offshore wind (OSW) energy as practicable and statutorily appropriate. Proposed projects should seek to describe the existing state of knowledge, identify information gaps (e.g., data and enhanced knowledge) and clearly describe a research project that will advance the current state of knowledge. BOEM anticipates cooperative agreement to be awarded across multiple disciplines and research to be funded in U.S. Territories in both the Caribbean and Pacific.

BOEM is requesting letters of Research Interest on the following study topics:

  1. Collaboration on Baseline Monitoring Program of Birds, Cetaceans and Sea Turtles in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
  2. Baseline Data for Birds Cetaceans and Sea Turtles in the Pacific
  3. Synthesis of Social Science Research on Fisheries
  4. Offshore Wind Energy and Visual Resources: Culture, History, and Tourism and Recreation
  5. Offshore Wind Workforce Capability and Benefits: What’s needed? What exists? What can be locally sourced? What training programs would be useful? How do we ensure Offshore Wind benefits local people?
  6. Baseline Hydrodynamic Modeling and Potential Impacts for larval dispersal
  7. Inventory and Assessment of Coastal and Submerged Archeological and Historical Sites Along the U.S. Caribbean Territories
  8. Air Quality
  9. Coastal and Marine Space Use: The U.S. Territories
  10. Stakeholder/Community Perspectives on Offshore Wind: Public Values, Beliefs, and Concerns

See Announcement for full submission details.

Submission of Letters of Interest:
LOI are due by 5:00 PM EST on August 23, 2024.

For more information contact:
Dr. Michael Rasser, Senior Marine Ecologist, 703-787-1729

Past RSOIs

For previous funding announcements and opportunities, please check our Opportunities Archive page.