Every year we offer the freshman sequence GEOL 111-112 Understanding the Earth (3), Hist of the Earth & Its Life (3) (physical and historical geology), with associated labs. GEOL 111 is offered every semester and GEOL 112 is offered in the spring. GEOL 205 (Geology of the Hawaiian Islands GEOL 205 ) is a non-majors course that is offered once a year, usually in the spring. Senior seminar is offered every year, along with an optional Communicating Science capstone in the spring.

Important paired courses are offered on alternate years, as pictured below.

Students look at rocks and microscopes in a labFall Year 1: GEOL212, Earth Materials I, Minerals

Students look at a rock in the fieldSpring Year 1: GEOL320, Earth Materials II, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks

Student holds a rock hammerFall Year 2: GEOL330, Deformation of the Earth

Students hike over rocky terrain with backpacksSpring Year 2: GEOL370, Field Methods

There are seven core courses that are offered on an alternating year schedule. The cycle repeats every two years, which means that most transfer students need at least four semesters to graduate. B.S. students take all seven core courses plus three upper-division electives. B.A. students can substitute other courses for some of the core classes. This—along with fewer required courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics—means that the B.A. track provides more flexibility to meet graduation timelines.

  • Fall Year 1: GEOL 212 Earth Materials I: Minerals (4) ¹, GEOL 445 GIS for Geology (3)
  • Spring Year 1: GEOL 320 Erth Mat II: Igneous/Meta Rock (4) , GEOL 340 Sedimentary Processes (4) ²
  • Fall Year 2: GEOL 330 Deformation of the Earth (4) ²
  • Spring Year 2: GEOL 370 Field Methods (3) ², GEOL 342 Earth Surface Processes (3) ²

Notes on core schedule:

  1. GEOL 212 Earth Materials I: Minerals (4) is prerequisite to GEOL 320 Erth Mat II: Igneous/Meta Rock (4) and GEOL 330 Deformation of the Earth (4) is prerequisite to GEOL 370 Field Methods (3) .
  2. Other courses in geology or related fields can substitute for up to two of the noted ² courses.

One or two upper division electives are offered each semester. Available electives include upper-division environmental geology, surface hydrology, geology of North America, plate tectonics, groundwater, planetology, and volcanology. Volcanology is offered the same semester as GEOL 330 Deformation of the Earth (4) ; petrology is a prerequisite for volcanology.

UH Hilo has strong programs in astronomy, geography, and marine science. Some students may want to minor or double major in these disciplines.