Sociology (SOC) Courses

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

SOC 100 Principles Of Sociology (3) An introduction to the theories, scientific methods and empirical findings of contemporary sociology. (Attributes: DS)

SOC 200 Career Opportunities in Soc (1) A forum for the presentation of career opportunities for Sociology majors and minors. The course features speakers, and the development of practical professional skills, including writing a resume. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Required for Sociology majors and minors. Formerly SOC 490.

SOC 240 Social Psychology (3) An introduction to how sociologists view the relationship between social institutions, social groups and individual actions. (Attributes: DS)

SOC 243 Drama of Hawaiʻi & the Pacific (3) Embedded in a discourse of coloniality and indigenous perspective, this course provides an introduction to a representative range of plays written by, for, and about the people of Hawaiʻi and other Pacific islands. (Same as DRAM 243) (Attributes: DH, HPP)

SOC 260 Social Problems (3) An introduction to the study of social problems in contemporary society, including their nature, sociological causes and possible solutions. Course may focus on a single social problem. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, GCC)

SOC 280 Statistical Reasoning (3) An introduction to basic descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics used in the social sciences and education. Pre: concurrent enrollment with SOC 280L. (Attributes: DS, GQ)

SOC 280L Lab in Statistical Reasoning (1) (lab) An introduction to the techniques and usage of statistical applications involving computation and interpretation of statistics. (Attributes: DS, GQ)

SOC 300 Family in World Perspective (3) A comparative analysis of family and marriage patterns, mate selection, parent-child interaction, divorce rates, socialization of gender roles, legal sanctions, trends in organization and function. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 300).

SOC 301 Intro Social Work (3) The sociological analysis of social welfare institutions and their relationship to meeting human needs and solving social problems. Course designed for students intending careers in the helping professions. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent.

SOC 305 Org Theory & Analysis (3) Contemporary theories and techniques used in the analysis of organizations. Designed for students intending careers in administration or the human services. Pre: junior standing or consent of instructor.

SOC 310 Race & Ethnic Relations (3) Sociological analysis of the patterns of intergroup relations. Topics include the meaning of race, ethnicity, prejudice and discrimination, and the interactive strategies used by various groups. Emphasis on ethnic processes on Hawaiʻi and the Pacific region. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 310).

SOC 320 Stratification & Inequality (3) This course examines social stratification theory and research; definition and measurement of socioeconomic status; racial, ethnic and gender inequality. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 321) (Attributes: DS)

SOC 324 Criminology (3) Examines patterns of crime; types of offenders; theories of crime; police, courts, prisons, probation, and parole in relation to criminal behavior. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent.

SOC 325 Sociology Of Disaster (3) The ways in which human communities and organizations bring about, prepare for, and respond to calamitous environmental changes. Case studies selected from many societies.

SOC 326 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Examination of the causes and control of juvenile delinquency. The major theories of juvenile delinquency will be reviewed. The course will also explore the organization and processes of juvenile justice. Pre: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.

SOC 328 Gender, Crime, and Justice (3) This course will examine theoretical perspectives on gender, crime, and the criminal justice system. Students will analyze the intersecting roles played by gender, race, and class in criminal offending, victimization, and institutional responses. Additional topics may include masculinity and crime, women and punishment, female delinquency, gender violence, sex work, and the role of women in the criminal justice system. Pre: Soc 100 or WS 151 (Same as WS 328).

SOC 331 Queer Studies & Contem Society (3) A review of current issues using queer and sociological perspectives on sexualities and social change. Pre: SOC 100 or WS 151 or permission of instructor. (Same as WS 331)

SOC 340 Socialization & Identity (3) The process by which an individual becomes a functioning member of society. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 340).

SOC 352 Sociology Of Education (3) Formal education as an aspect of socialization. Emphasis is on the American system from a historical and comparative perspective. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent.

SOC 355 Sociology Of Religion (3) A comparative analysis of religion. Topics include religious movements, secularization and social change, conversion and faith dynamics, and meaning and belonging functions. Case studies drawn from different societies and historical periods. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent.

SOC 360 Health Care Policy (3) Analyses of local, national and global economic, legal and social factors impacting health care policies. Discussion of relationship between emerging social issues/trends and health care disparities and capacities. Discussion of social justice, cultural competence, and equity in access and delivery of health care services. Opportunities are provided to participate in political processes impacting nursing and health care policy. (Same at NURS 360)

SOC 365 Sociology of Deviance (3) This course examines social deviance, focusing on theory and contemporary research in the field. Topics to be covered may include sexual deviance, physical and cognitive deviance, substance use and mental illness. Pre: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.

SOC 370 Political Economy of Hawaiʻi (3) An exploration into the political and economic processes of Hawaiʻi and how the two interrelate and affect each other. Emphasis on current issues and practices as well as processes. Pre: SOC 100 or consent of instructor. (Attributes: DS, GAHP, HPP)

SOC 380 Methods Of Research (3) A survey of the logic, purposes, techniques, terminology, and issues of social research methodology. Pre: SOC 100, 280 and 280L or instructor's consent.

SOC 390 Sociological Theory (3) A critical examination of the theoretical foundations of contemporary sociological theories. Beginning with Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Simmel, examines contemporary examples of social theory, including post-structuralism, critical theory, hermeneutics, and phenomenology. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent.

SOC 391 Internship (3–12) Application of knowledge and skills in a public, private, or government agency/setting. May be taken for at total of 12 credits, only six of which can apply to the Sociology major or three to the minor. Pre: instructors consent, preapproved placement, statement of learning objectives, and completed internship contract. (Attributes: ALEX, GCC, HPP)

SOC 400 Sem in Social Psych (3) The relationship between social pressures/structure and the individual. Emphasis upon current research and theory in the area. Pre: SOC 100 and junior standing or instructor's consent.

SOC 405 Sem in Social Organizatn (3) Social organization in all its forms, dynamics, and structures. While appealing to an historical and comparative perspective, primary attention will be directed to contemporary forms of social organization with an emphasis upon current research and theory in the area. Pre: Soc 100 or consent of instructor.

SOC 407 Gender Inequality inPopCulture (3) Exploration of gender and sexuality as systems of inequality, as social constructions, as performance, and as dynamic forces within American popular culture. Students develop skills to sociologically research and analyze artifacts of popular culture. Pre: SOC 100 or WS 151 or instructor’s consent. (Same as WS 407).

SOC 409 Seminar in Social Movements (3) An exploration of the ways in which social movements have shaped politics, policy and social culture in the United States. Students will research and analyze historical and contemporary social movements. Pre: SOC 100 or WS 151 or instructor’s consent. (Same as WS 409)

SOC 410 Sociology of Food (3) Examination of food ingredients, foodways, the culinary industry, cultural food practices, and more. Students will develop a critical understanding of how food is imbued with a multitude of meanings, feelings, politics, and social inequalities. Pre: SOC 100 and Junior standing or instructor's consent.

SOC 420 Sem in Social Institutions (3) Institutions in contemporary society, with focus upon the process and structures of modern institutions such as the polity, economy, health care, and law. Emphasis upon current research and theory in the area of specific institutions examined. Pre: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.

SOC 430 Sem in Social Change (3) Change in human societies from a comparative and historical perspective. Topics covered include modernization, development, tradition, and secularization. Emphasis upon current research and theory in the area. Pre: SOC 100 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DS)

SOC 470 Indigenous Health & Well-Being (3) This course is concerned with indigenous health and well-being, emphasizing indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing across indigenous societies including Hawaiʻi and Oceania, Latin America, Turtle Island, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Pre: SOC 100 or SOC 250.

SOC 480 Practicum in Social Research (3) (other) Direct involvement in all facets of the research process. Students have the option of working on their own projects or on projects initiated by the faculty. May be counted only once toward the required 35 semester hours of the major, but may be repeated once for upper division credit. Pre: SOC 280 and 380 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DS, GAHP, HPP)

SOC x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) (IO) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

SOC x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) (IO) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.