Pharmacy (PHAR) Post-Baccalaureate Courses

The Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy (DKICP)

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PHAR 500 Cornerstone Pharmacy and Sci (2) Fundamentals of basic sciences pertinent to the profession of pharmacy including but not limited to, review of organic chemistry functional groups, application of biochemistry and biological sciences, human anatomy/physiology, and mathematical principles and pharmacy calculations. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy.

PHAR 501 Intro Pharm Prac Exp I (1) First Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) course that will introduce students to some of the common healthcare settings, increasing their exposure to career pathways, and gaining an introductory understanding of pharmacists’ roles and responsibilities in practice. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 502 Intro Pharm Prac Exp II Comm (1) (other) This 4-week community pharmacy IPPE rotation occurs in the summer after completion of the first year. Students will have a Hawaiʻi intern pharmacist license and will complete the rotation in the State of Hawaiʻi, resulting in 160 IPPE hours. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy (Attributes: GCC, HPP)

PHAR 503 Intro Pharm Prac Exp III (1) (other) This second year-long IPPE course provides students with experiences in a clinical pharmacy setting, reinforcing various topics (i.e. therapeutics, communication, drug information) via real-life experiences with patients, healthcare professional interactions, and electronic medical records. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 504 Intro Pharm Prac Exp IV Hosp (1) (other) A 3-week hospital pharmacy IPPE rotation occurs in the summer after completion of the second year. Students will complete the rotation in the State of Hawaiʻi resulting in 120 IPPE hours. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 505 Intro Pharm Prac Exp V (1) (other) This third year-long IPPE course continues to provide students with direct patient care activities with increased responsibilities prior to their fourth year and will reinforce knowledge and skills learned in the didactic coursework. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 509 Intro Pharm Prac Exp Elective (1) (other) Elective rotation intended for student pharmacists who have an interest in furthering their exposure to a specific healthcare setting, increasing their exposure to career pathways, and gaining further understanding of the pharmacists’ roles and responsibilities in the practice setting. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 510 Princ of Pharm Readiness I (1) (other) First in a series of six that introduces and emphasizes the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy (Attributes: GCC, HPP)

PHAR 511 Foundational Pharm Biochem (2) This course will present principles critical for understanding the biochemical basis for disease states and drug action. Clinical correlates and metabolic diseases will be highlighted. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 512 Foundational Pharm Immunology (2) Basic concepts of immunology will lay the groundwork for understanding immunity in a clinical context including how the immune system can be pharmacologically manipulated to improve or prevent diseases. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 513 Pharmaceutical Formulations I (2) This course introduces principles, practices and technologies applied in the preparation of pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems. Students will integrate these principles to understand issues in the rational and selection of dosage forms and drug delivery systems. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 514 Pharmacology/Medicinal Chem I (3) Pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of medications including the pharmacy practice-relevance specific to each drug class and how these medications work in the body, with particular emphasis on mechanisms of drug action. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 515 Drug Information (2) Introduction to different types of drug literature, drug information and evidence-based medicine resources and tools, and adverse drug reactions and medication error databases which is vital to keep pharmacists knowledgeable of current advancements. Pre:Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 517 Foundational Calculations (1) Fundamentals of and how to accurately perform calculations used in different types of pharmacy practice settings to assure medications are safe and effective. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 519 Therapeutic Prob Solving I (2) First course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series; Integration and application of patient-centered care that focuses on general health, wellness, and disease prevention, and appropriate self-care therapy for commonly encountered conditions in the community setting. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 520 Princ of Pharm Readiness II (1) Second course in series; Emphasis on the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre:Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy (Attributes: GCC, HPP)

PHAR 521 Comprehensive Clin Care I (1) (other) First course in series utilizing a case based approach to focus on application of foundational, clinical, drug information and evidence based medicine skills. Students will analyze information to determine the effects of medication therapy, identify medication-related problems, and prioritize health-related needs. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 522 Essential Pharm Skills I (2) (other) This course provides opportunities for students to apply and reinforce skills necessary in pharmacy practice and is an anchor for the Top 300 Drugs most commonly prescribed. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 523 Pharmaceutical Formulations II (2) This course continues to provide an introduction to and discussion of other pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems such as liquid, sterile and non- sterile drug delivery systems, and emerging delivery systems. Concepts of extemporaneous aseptic and non- sterile compounding of dosage forms will be introduced. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy and PHAR 513.

PHAR 524 Pharmacology/Medicinal Chem II (3) Second course in a 2-course series, teaching pharmacy practice-relevant specific pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of each drug class and how these medications work in the body, with particular emphasis on mechanisms of drug action. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy and PHAR 514.

PHAR 525 Evidence-Based Sci & Prac I (2) Introduction to research designs/methods, pharmacoepidemiology, statistical concepts and reasoning, and their relevance and importance to the practice of pharmacy. Coursework will provide students with foundational knowledge to justify and select the proper research methods and interpret statistical results in clinical research and medical literature. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 526 Topics in Healthcare I (1) First course in series; An overview of the US healthcare delivery system, including social, organizational, and economic aspects, from the perspective of the pharmacy profession, healthcare system, laws governing medications/devices and the cost effectiveness of drugs/devices. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 527 Foun Indiv Pharmacotherapy (1) Introduction to pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD) and pharmacogenomics (PGx) that will provide students with the tools and principles to individualize a patient’s treatment by selecting an optimal dose and dosing regimen. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 528 Therapeutic Prob Solving II (2) Second course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series and a continuation of PHAR 519; Integration and application of patient-centered care that focuses on general health, wellness, and disease prevention, and appropriate self-care therapy for commonly encountered conditions in the community setting. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 529 Therapeutic Prob Solving III (2) Third course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 530 Princ of Pharm Readiness III (1) Third course in series; Emphasis on the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 531 Comprehensive Clin Care II (2) (other) Second course in the Comprehensive Clinical Care series utilizing a case-based approach to focus on application of foundational, clinical, drug information and evidence based medicine skills. Clinical patient cases increase in difficulty/complexity/variety as the student progresses through the course series. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 532 Essential Pharm Skills II (2) (other) This course is a continuation of Essential Pharmacist Skills I. Students will reinforce and apply their knowledge in drug information, calculations, law, communication and physical skills. This course is an anchor for the Top 300 Drugs most commonly prescribed. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 535 Evidence-Based Sci & Prac II (2) Introduction and application of concepts of evidence- based medicine and practice, measures of risk and benefit, and provides tools to evaluate medical literature from a variety of clinical study designs for shared decision-making in practice. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 537 Therapeutic Prob Solving IV (2) Fourth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 538 Therapeutic Prob Solving V (2) Fifth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 539 Therapeutic Prob Solving VI (2) Sixth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 540 Princ of Pharm Readiness IV (1) Fourth course in series; Emphasis on the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 541 Comprehensive Clin Care III (2) (other) Third course in the Comprehensive Clinical Care series utilizing a case-based approach to focus on application of foundational, clinical, drug information and evidence based medicine skills. Clinical patient cases increase in difficulty/complexity/variety as the student progresses through the course series. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 542 Essential Pharm Skills III (2) (other) This course is a continuation of Essential Pharmacist Skills II. Students will reinforce and apply their knowledge in drug information, calculations, law, communication and physical skills. This course is an anchor for the Top 300 Drugs most commonly prescribed. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 546 Topics in Healthcare II (3) Second course in series; Continuation of discussions related to US healthcare delivery systems, including social, organizational, and economic aspects, from the perspective of the pharmacy profession, healthcare system, laws governing medications/devices and the cost effectiveness of drugs/devices. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 547 Therapeutic Prob Solving VII (2) Seventh course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 548 Therapeutic Prob Solving VIII (2) Eighth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 549 Therapeutic Prob Solving IX (2) Ninth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 550 Princ of Pharm Readiness V (1) Fifth course in series; Emphasis on the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 551 Comprehensive Clin Care IV (2) (other) Fourth course in series utilizing a case-based approach to focus on application of foundational, clinical, drug information and evidence based medicine skills. Clinical patient cases increase in difficulty/complexity/variety as the student progresses through the course series. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 552 Essential Pharm Skills IV (2) Please contact the department or division office for more information about this course.

PHAR 555 Pharmacy Informatics and Tech (2) Information systems and technologies that are used in healthcare, focusing on those used to prescribe, dispense, and manage medications across the continuum of care settings to deliver optimal medication- related patient care and health outcomes. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 557 Therapeutic Prob Solving X (2) Tenth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 558 Therapeutic Prob Solving XI (2) Eleventh course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 559 Therapeutic Prob Solving XII (2) Twelfth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 560 Princ of Pharm Readiness VI (1) Last course in series; Emphasis on the skills, attitudes, and values that are essential for achieving high performance in healthcare practice and in achieving personal career success as a pharmacist. Course serves as an anchor for the co-curriculum and interprofessional education activities. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 561 Comprehensive Clin Care V (2) (other) Last course in the Comprehensive Clinical Care series, utilizing a case-based approach to focus on application of foundational, clinical, drug information and evidence based medicine skills. Clinical patient cases increase in difficulty/complexity/variety as the student progresses through the course series. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 562 Essential Pharm Skills V (2) (other) Last course in the Essential Pharmacist Skills course series that allows students to reinforce and apply knowledge in drug information, calculations, law, communication and physical skills. Course is an anchor for the Top 300 Drugs most commonly prescribed. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 566 Topics in Healthcare III (3) Last course in series; Builds upon knowledge from Topics in Healthcare I and II and has students apply related skills needed in the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential (APPE) rotations. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 567 Therapeutic Prob Solving XIII (2) Thirteenth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 568 Therapeutic Prob Solving XIV (2) Fourteenth course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 569 Therapeutic Prob Solving XV (2) Last course in Therapeutic Problem Solving series focusing on pharmacotherapy related to different disease states, applying pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry concepts. This holistic approach fosters the development of a comprehensive clinical understanding to prevent and manage associated disease states. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy

PHAR 570 Certificate Project Pres (1) (other) Students will prepare, evaluate and synthesize data, and formally present their selected scholarly project based on the culmination of skills and knowledge acquired throughout the certificate program. Pre: Enrolled in the Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy.

PHAR 580 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Community (6) (other) This 6-week, advanced pharmacy practice rotation focuses on pharmacy practice in the retail/community setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 581 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Hospital (6) (other) This 6-week, advanced pharmacy practice rotation focuses on pharmacy practice in the hospital setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 582 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Ambulatory (6) (other) This 6-week, advanced pharmacy practice rotation focuses on pharmacy practice in the ambulatory care setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 583 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Acute Med (6) (other) This 6-week advanced rotation focuses on pharmacy practice in the acute medicine setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 584 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Elec I Clin (6) (other) First 6-week, advanced elective rotation focusing on pharmacy practice in the clinical pharmacy setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 585 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Elec II (6) (other) Second 6-week, advanced pharmacy practice elective rotation focusing on pharmacy practice in any healthcare related setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 586 Adv Pharm Prac Exp Elec III (6) (other) Third 6-week advanced pharmacy practice elective rotation focusing on pharmacy practice in any healthcare related setting and provides 240 hours of experiential learning. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR 587 Board Exam Review (1) (other) This course prepares pharmacy students for the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) used by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) as part of the assessment of a pharmacy graduate’s competence to practice as a pharmacist. Pre: PHAR 505, PHAR 569, Successful completion of all Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) courses and successful completion of all didactic components of the DKICP PharmD program.

PHAR x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

PHAR x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.