Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) Courses
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
IS 110 Exploring the Health Sciences (1) The purpose of Exploring the Health Sciences is to introduce students to the diverse health science programs that UH Hilo has to offer. This course also helps students plan out their educational requirements while at UH Hilo, as well as prepare them for applying to UH Hilo’s BSN program, graduate school, and/or careers in the health field.
IS 150 Kuleana & Community (3) An entry-level course preparing students for success at UH Hilo while encouraging connections to our island communities. Through the learning of place names, stories, cultural significance, and mālama ʻāina activities, this course introduces students to our island environment and its histories. (Attributes: GCC, HPP)
IS 201 Pre-Pharmacy Orientation (2) This course is a requisite for the Pre-Pharmacy Program at UH Hilo. It will familiarize the student with the academic requirements of the Pre-Pharmacy Program and the Doctorate of Pharmacy degree. Individual lectures will cover the clinical, technical and ethical responsibilities of a Pharmacist in the 21st century, and allow students to become familiar with job opportunities for pharmacists. This course will provide interactions with local pharmacists and doctoral pharmacy students through mentor partnerships. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
IS 390 Pre-departure Orientation (1) Course provides and overview of logistics, introduction to the basic political, economic, and social conditions of the host country and region, and intercultural preparation for students who will be participating in an approved UH Hilo study abroad program. Must be taken CR/NC. Course is repeatable one time for a maximum of two credits. Pre: Instructor Consent.
IS 391 Change Through Exchange (1) Course provides students currently studying abroad with an opportunity to engage with their cohort online to facilitate their culture and communication learning, while providing a chance for them to reflect on your experiences abroad as they are occurring. Must be taken CR/NC. Course is repeatable one time for a maximum of two credits. Pre: IS 390 or Instructor Consent.
IS 393 Foreign Field Experience (1–15) (other) Academic coursework, research, or internship in foreign locations which may transfer into specific disciplines after completion. (D) Denmark, (E) England, (F) France, (H) Hong Kong, (J) Japan, (K) Korea, (P) People's Republic of China, (R) Republic of China (Taiwan), (T) Thailand. Foreign field experiences are not limited to the countries listed. May be repeated for credit.
IS 480 Research Foundation and Ethics (1) Overview of scientific research that will set a strong foundation for SHARP students scholarly and scientific research endeavors, and delve into some critical issues in research practices and ethics. Basic knowledge of the history of scientific research will be examined from a cross-cultural perspective. This course is intended for students in the SHARP program. Pre: Instructor's Consent
IS 481 SHARP Research Seminar (1) Continuing exploration of research and research ethics, while weaving in practical tools for your development toward the Ph.D. and further professionalization in your field. This course is intended for students in the SHARP program. Pre: Instructor's Consent.
IS x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
IS x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.