Education (ED) Graduate Courses

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

ED 500 Master's Plan Studies (1) (other) Used for continuous enrollment purposes. Must be taken as CR/NC. Does not count toward fulfillment of degree requirements. Pre: Master's or Doctoral candidacy and instructor's consent.

ED 600 Ed Of Ethnic Groups in Hawaii (3) psychological learning characteristics, heritage, identity Teacher leader focused course. Survey of social- problems of Hawaiʻi ethnic groups, study of prejudice and inter-ethnic hostilities as related to education and teaching. Includes improving outreach and collaboration with families and community.

ED 602 Technology in Education (3) utilization of instructional materials for systematic Teacher leader focused course. Selection, evaluation and achievement of curriculum goals; investigation of innovative and students. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or Promoting/facilitating improvements in learning for teachers technological advances for use in teaching and training. consent of instructor.

ED 608A Action Research I (3) Systematic study of the purposes of educational research, evaluation and use of research, and introduction of research design principles with emphasis on classroom applications. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or consent of instructor.

ED 608B Action Research II (3) Advanced academic study and writing processes for analyzing and evaluating current educational research articles. A synthesis and application of research skills which culminates in an original research proposal. Pre: ED 608A or instructor's consent.

ED 608C Action Research III (3) Principles of research methodology and analysis as applied to field research. Pre: ED 608A and B or consent of instructor.

ED 610 Foundations Of Education (3) history of education. Historical and contemporary Teacher leader focused course. Social and intellectual relationships between schools and society. Foundations of the major philosophies of education. Contemporary educational theory and practice as related to major historical, philosophical and social factors in American profession. Pre: acceptance into the M.ED. program or culture. Includes advocating for student learning and the instructor's consent.

ED 611 Adv Educ Psychology (3) Foundations of educational psychology through the vehicle of an exploratory study. Inquiry approach stresses learning theory, measurement techniques, and research skills in education. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or instructor's consent.

ED 612 Literature Review in Education (3) Advanced academic study and writing processes for analyzing and evaluating current educational research articles, literature reviews and graduate student publications. Development of scholarly educational research skills with a focus in content area discipline. Investigation of theoretical and methodological issues of research. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or instructor's consent.

ED 616 Assess & Evaluation in Ed (3) Teacher leader focused course. systematic study of the theory of measurement, assessment and evaluation in educational settings. Promotes the use of assessments for classroom and school improvements. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or consent of instructor

ED 620 Indiv Differences: Learner (3) conceptual framework of inclusive education which consists Teacher leader focused course. Systematic study of the of special education, gifted and talented education and compensatory programs. Emphasis will be placed upon individual student characteristics and strategies for Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or consent of development and building strong home/school connections. effective instruction. Focuses on continuous professional instructor

ED 622 School Curriculum (3) of curriculum. Explanation of contemporary curricular issues Teacher leader focused course. Development and improvement which impact teaching and learning in the classroom. Emphasis on school reform and renewal. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or instructor's consent

ED 625 Seminar in Teaching Fld (3) (other) research, and problems of implementation in Teacher leader focused course. Culminating study in trends, Leadership program. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. Program interdisciplinary teaching. Capstone course for Teacher or instructor's consent

ED 635 Adv Instructional Strategies (3) Teacher leader focused course. A critial examination of newest trends in instruction. Bridges the gap between academic research and classroom implementation. Pre: acceptance into the M.Ed. program or instructor's consent.

ED 640 Learner Development (2) Introduction to theories of learner development, including cognitive, linguistic, emotional, personality, and moral/ prosocial development of students (grades K-12). Exploration of developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Pre: Admission to MAT program.

ED 641 Learning Differences (3) Introduction to legislation for students with disabilities. An overview of areas of exceptionality, the basic principles and practices of inclusive instruction, and how to address the special needs of diverse learners. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 640.

ED 642 Learning Differences II (2) Application of inclusive instruction that acknowledges the influence of individual experiences, talents and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family and community values on student learning. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 643 Learning Environments I (1) Introduction to theory and practice of classroom management at the elementary and secondary school level. Exploration of student motivation and communication techniques as related to the establishment of a positive learning environment. Pre: Admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching program. Co-req: ED 640, 650, 660, and 670.

ED 644 Learning Environments II (1) Introduction to theory and practice of classroom management at the elementary and secondary school levels. Exploration of student motivation and effective communication techniques as related to the establishment of a positive and caring learning environment. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 643.

ED 645 Learning Environments III (2) Exploration of student behavior and related interventions to promote caring and effective classroom environments. Application of responsible management of student learning. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 644.

ED 650 Teaching in Hawaii's Schools (1) Introduction to culture-based instructional practice, including overview of Na Hopena Aʻo, to integrate Hawaiian history, language, and culture in effective planning, content knowledge, and assessment of student learning experiences. Pre: Admission to the Masters of Teaching program. Co-req: ED 640, 643, 660, and 670

ED 651 Elem Instructional Practice (2) Introduction to a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand student learning outcomes. Exploration of instructional planning based on knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community and pedagogy toward elementary student attainment of rigorous learning goals. Required for elementary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 652 Elem LA/SS Pedagogy (2) Exploration of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and multicultural perspectives related to the study of Language Arts and Social Studies. Development of learning experiences that promote learner access and understanding in these disciplines in the elementary classroom. Required for elementary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 653 Elem MT/SC Pedagogy (2) Exploration of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and differing perspectives related to the study of Math and Science. Development of learning experiences that promote learner access and understanding of these disciplines in the elementary classroom. Required for elementary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 654 Tech Instruction & Assessment (2) Introduction to the application of educational multimedia technology in 21st century teaching and learning. Development of relevant learning experiences and authentic assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in varied contexts. Required for both elementary and secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 655 Sec Instructional Practice (2) Introduction to a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand student learning outcomes. Exploration of instructional planning based on knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community and pedagogy toward secondary student attainment of rigorous learning goals. Required for secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 656 Sec LA/SS Pedagogy (2) Exploration of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and multicultural perspectives related to the study of Language Arts and Social Studies. Development of learning experiences that promote learner access and understanding of these disciplines in the secondary classroom. Open to secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 657 Sec MT/SC Pedagogy (2) Exploration of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and differing perspectives related to the study of Math and Science. Development of learning experiences that promote learner access and understanding of these disciplines in the secondary classroom. Open to secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 658 Sec Content Literacy (2) Exploration of the study of literacy processes and strategies for use with 7-12 students within multiple content areas. Required for secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 659 Professional Practice (3) Demonstration of ongoing use of evidence for continual evaluation of practice particularly as related to impact on student learning. Documentation of acquired dispositions and skills of critical reflection that support life-long professional meaning. Required for elementary and secondary candidates. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 660 Professional Responsibility I (1) Overview of professional licensure standards and professional attributes. Professional development through field experiences in local schools. Pre: Admission to the MAT program.

ED 661 Professional Responsibility II (1) Professional development through field experiences in local schools. Critical reflection on classroom instruction and student engagement. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 660.

ED 662 Prof Responsibility III (1) Professional development through field experiences in local schools. Preparation to meet licensure and employment requirements. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 661.

ED 670 Field Experience I (1) Practical application of theories of learner development, learning environments, and instructional planning in local schools. Introduction to schools as learning communities. Pre: Admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching program. Co-req: ED 640, 643, 650, 660.

ED 671 MAT Field Experience II (2) Practical application of theories and teaching methods and and strategies in local schools. Supervised observation and teaching with emphasis on lessons and unit planning and instruction. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 670.

ED 672 Clinical Practicum (3) Supervised student teaching and professional development experiences in local schools. Supervised observation and teaching with an emphasis on advanced unit and lesson planning and instruction. Pre: Admission to the MAT program and ED 671.

ED 680 Teacher as Researcher I (3) Introduction to teacher research as a basis for demonstrating impact on student learning. Exploration of effective instructional practices and assessments, IRB approval, and research study elements, including critical analysis of relevant literature and methodology. Pre: Completion of Phase I of the MAT program.

ED 681 Teacher as Researcher II (3) Further exploration of teacher research, resulting in an original classroom-based action research project and presentation of findings. Critical reflection on instructional practice based on research findings. Pre: Completion of Phase I of the MAT program and ED 680.

ED x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) (IO) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

ED x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) (IO) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.

Additional Courses

Also see the ED undergraduate-level courses.