Communication (COM) Courses

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

COM 100 Human Comm in Diverse Society (3) The role of human communication in meeting the task and social needs of a multicultural society. Emphasis on communication concepts, principles, and cultural issues in interpersonal, small group, organizational, public, mediated, and global contexts. (Attributes: DH)

COM 200 Interpersonal Comm (3) The fundamental concepts of interpersonal communication: verbal and nonverbal communication in face-to-face encounters.

COM 207 Gender and Communication (3) This course is an introduction to gender research in communication, studying ways in which language, interpersonal communication, the media, and various social institutions influence conceptions of gender. (Same as WS 210).

COM 240 Professional Communication (3) An overview of the various approaches to organizations, communication, public relations, leadership, and interviewing. Professional presentation, writing, small group problem solving and consulting skills are developed. Also addressed are diversity, technology, and globalization issues.

COM 241 Health, Culture and Diversity (3) This course is an overview of the study of health communication. It is aimed to provide exposure to concepts and principles in the field, focusing on advocacy and individual awareness in current events. Topics will include the dynamics shared between health care providers and patients, the role of mass media, promotion of public health campaigns and culturally diverse approaches to health care.

COM 251 Public Speaking (3) Analysis, preparation and delivery of speeches. Emphasis on content, organization and style.

COM 260 Media and Culture (3) Historical and contemporary overview of television, radio, film, and the press in American culture.

COM 270 Intro to Theories of Human Com (3) Examination of the theoretical foundations of the human communication discipline. Coverage of traditional and contemporary theories in such areas as interpersonal, small group, organizational, intercultural, public and mass communication. (Attributes: DS, GL)

COM 273 Radio Drama (3) A survey and production course in Radio Drama with emphasis on the actual production of radio drama(s) for public broadcast. Pre: DRAM 170, COM260 or instructor's consent. (Same as DRAM 273)

COM 285 Introduction to Media Writing (3) An introductory media writing class with a focus on preparing students to write effectively for news media. Integrates skills of research, inquiry, interviews, and media and information literacy, to writing news, culture and feature articles, and other assignments. Pre: ENG 100, ENG 100T, ESL 100, or ESL 100T. (Same as ENG 285). (Attributes: DH, GL)

COM 287 Media Writing Practicum (3) (lecture/lab/other) Further preparation for the media profession through critical analysis of online and print media. Emphasis on encouraging applied learning experiences through responsible submission to publications and portfolio development. Pre: ENG 100, 100T, ESL 100, 100T or instructor's consent.

COM 340 Interviewing (3) This course focuses on the interview process as a collaborative dialogue. Emphasis is placed on framing the interview, listening ethics, cultural diversity, and the development of interviewing skills. Pre: COM 200 or consent of instructor.

COM 341 Communication and Aging (3) Provides a conceptual overview of the study of communication and aging addressing both theory and application. Topics include stereotypes of aging, patient- provider communication in older adulthood, end of life care, culture and aging, and the role of communication in intergenerational relationships. Advocacy and current events in communication and aging are also addressed.

COM 344 Sustainability, Com & Culture (3) (lecture/other) Diverse theories and perspectives related to sustainability, communication and culture are examined. Sustainability is related to global and local cultures, the development of healthy individuals, relationships, organizations, communities. The ways that rhetoric, media, and new technologies may be used to promote sustainability are examined. (Attributes: ALEX, GCC)

COM 350 Intro Human Commun Research (3) An introduction to basic communication research approaches, reviewing the literature, and reporting research.

COM 351 Com in Multicultural Workplace (3) This course provides intercultural insights into organizational communication and addresses leadership and membership, decision-making and conflict resolution in the multicultural workplace.

COM 352 Comm in Small Groups (3) Discussion processes in small groups. Effects of variables such as group organization, leadership, membership, goals on how a group attempts to achieve its purpose.

COM 354 Comm in Innovation (3) The role of communication as a change agent in society. Communication strategies in diffusion of information.

COM 358 International Communication (3) This course surveys major topics in international communication, international and national policies on media, comparative media systems, and issues of development.

COM 359 Intercultural Communication (3) Linguistics and nonverbal variables that influence the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication. (Attributes: ALEX, GAHP, GCC, HPP)

COM 360 Impact Of Mass Media (3) Analysis of some of the major effects of the mass media on the individual and society.

COM 361 Media Ethics and Law (3) Media Ethics and Law is an introduction to the ethical and legal issues related to communication and speech. It also gives students a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its role in our legal system. Students are provided tangible guidelines within which to communicate. They will understand how and why speech is protected and when that speech crosses the line into becoming unprotected speech.

COM 362 Broadcast Comm Practicum (3) (other) Field experience in basic principles of broadcast production and communication requiring a minimum of ten hours each week in an assigned broadcast communication setting. Pre: instructor's consent required. May be repeated once for credit.

COM 365 Modern American Cinema (3) The study of American film since WWII, drawing from such film genres as the detective-hero, the musical, the western, comedy, social realism, and melodrama.

COM 366 Asian Cinema and Television (3) Examines Asian film and television industries. It surveys the production, distribution, and consumption process of television programs and movies in China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Middle East.

COM 368 Communication & Social Change (3) This course introduces students to theories and practices of social change from a communication perspective and explores the historic and contemporary role of communication in local, national, and international social movements.

COM 370 Persuasion (3) Inquiry into the nature of persuasion or attitude change with focus on the message as a major determinant of the effects of persuasion on receivers.

COM 371 Communication Ethics (3) This course examines ethical standards in evaluating communication acts and events and discusses ethical issues and challenges in communicating in different contexts

COM 375 Nonverbal Communication (3) The nonverbal dimensions of human communication.

COM 385 Advanced Media Writing (3) (lecture/lab/other) A hands-on class that prepares students for the communication field. An advanced media writing course that includes a final in-depth, investigative news article. Students will build their portfolios by developing articles and submitting them for publication as well as for class credit. Pre: ENG 100/100T, ESL 100/100T, COM 285, or instructor's consent.

COM 387 Performance Education (3) In this course, students are guided through the process of researching, writing, rehearsing and performing a series of educational and entertaining presentations that deal with science and Hawaiian culture. Presentations will be shared with the general public in a museum theater setting at Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaiʻi. Course may be repeated once for credit. Pre: COM 251 or DRAM 171 or DRAM 221 or instructor's consent. (Same as DRAM 387) (Attributes: GCC, HPP)

COM 390 Internship (3) This internship is intended to use the application of communication knowledge and skills in a public, private, or government agency/setting. May be repeated once for a total of six (6) credits. Pre: instructor’s consent and pre-approved placement. (Attributes: GCC)

COM 391 General Semantics (3) Understanding language, verbal meaning and implication, roles of perception and assumption (inference and judgment) in human relationships.

COM 400 The Art of Mindful Dialogue (3) An exploration of the writings of those who contemplate “dialogue,” generally considered to be the highest quality form of human communication.

COM 420 Family Communication (3) Foundational concepts and theories are introduced. Communication dynamics within families are explored. Narrative, functional, interpretive, and systems approaches to family communication are included. Cultural influences are examined. Conditions necessary for optimal family functioning are addressed. (same as WS 420)

COM 430 Health Communication (3) Survey of health communication research including doctor- patient interactions, social support, culture and diversity issues in healthcare, and public health campaigns. Special attention will be given to the role of technology in health communication. Cultural influences on health beliefs and practices are examined.

COM 440 Organizational Communication (3) Organizational communication is an intensive consideration of the role of human communication in organizational effectiveness. The course emphasizes both theory and practice and focuses on historical and contemporary trends affecting organizations. Pre: COM 200 and 251 or instructor's consent.

COM 441 Leadership & Communication (3) Relationships between communication and leadership including a consideration of relevant theories, concepts, tools, and skills. Leadership and communication are examined in relation to organizational culture, change, diversity, technology, and decision making. Pre: COM 200 and 251 or instructor's consent.

COM 442 Communication & Conflict (3) Relationship between human communication and conflict. The relationship among personal history, culture, gender, power, communication, and conflict is considered. Students gain experience in assessing and intervening in conflict situations in both professional and personal contexts. Western, Eastern, and Hawaiian approaches to conflict management are included. Pre: COM 251 or instructor's consent.

COM 444 Public Relations (3) An overview of the practice of public relations in business, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and government. Students will learn how to interact with public relations professionals, the media, write press releases, and design and evaluate campaigns. Pre: COM 251 or instructor's consent.

COM 450 Human Communication Theory (3) Examination of traditional and contemporary theories in the study of human communication.

COM 451 Communication and Ethnography (3) Study of ethnography as a qualitative research method. Opportunities to collect data in the field by participating and observing (writing field notes, videotaping, and/or audio taping), interviewing (videotaping or audio taping), and investigating texts (documents, diaries, photographs, films, etc.) are provided. New ethnographic form such as autoethnography, co-constructive narrative, interactive interviewing, creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction and performance are introduced.

COM 455 Com & Culture Asian Americans (3) Examination of communication patterns of the major Asian American ethnic groups. Particular emphasis will be placed on the influence of ethnic-cultural identities, cultural variability, immigration patterns, and other relevant issues on the communication behavior of Asian Americans.

COM 456 Asian Perspectives on Commun (3) This course surveys indigenous concepts and theories of Asian cultures and communication and compares Eastern and Western perspectives on humans communicating. (Attributes: GAHP)

COM 457 Japanese Culture & Commun (3) This course explores aspects of Japanese communication from cross-cultural perspectives and examines problems in intercultural interactions between Japanese and non-Japanese. (Same as JPST 457). (Attributes: GAHP)

COM 460 Mass Media Analysis (3) Advanced study in mass communication theory, analysis, and criticism, with emphasis upon the electronic mass media. Pre: Com 260 or 360 recommended.

COM 461 Race and Gender in Media (3) This course explores the dynamic interactions between race, gender and the mass media. Specifically, it examines media representations of race and gender and their cultural, sociological, and psychological effects in the society. Pre: COM 260, 360 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 461). (Attributes: GCC)

COM 465 Comm and Popular Culture (3) Popular culture influences identity, interpersonal relationships, and worldview perspectives. This course helps to understand popular culture’s influence on society. Three approaches of popular culture are focused on: production and industry practices; evaluating texts; and audience reception of popular culture. Same as WS 465.

COM 470 Dark Side of Communication (3) Using the “dark side” metaphor, this course investigates important, yet neglected, issues of personal relationships. The class has two goals—(1) understanding the influence communication has on personal relationships, and (2) how contexts and relational challenges influence personal relationships. (Same as WS 470) (Attributes: DS, GCC)

COM 475 The Art of Listening (3) (other) Exploration of effective and ineffective listening behaviors in everyday life is the primary course topic. Research and scholarship on the topic of listening will be surveyed. An effort will also be made to refine students' actual listening skills.

COM 485 Communication and Love (3) Theory, practice, and interrelationship of the arts of communication and love.

COM 488 Seminar in Social Media (3) Research seminar examining the effects of social media on identity, relationships, information seeking, communities, news production, and civic engagement. Social media analytics tools are introduced.

COM x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

COM x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.