Anthropology (ANTH) Graduate Courses
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
ANTH 500 Masters Plan Studies (1) Used for continuous enrollment purposes. Does not count toward fulfillment of degree requirements. Pre: Master's or Doctoral candidacy and instructor's consent.
ANTH 600 Thesis Design, Method, Theory (3) Seminar on the mechanics of completing a thesis. Theoretical an applied frameworks of heritage management, essential components of a theoretically founded and searchable research questions, community goals, standards for writing a thesis.
ANTH 601 Ethics of Heritage Management (3) Ethical issues raised by archaeological research, data curation and preservation, and public visibility. Global review of laws and ethical codes related to the practice of heritage management as an academic discipline, colonialism and nationalism, looting and the art market, material culture, public engagement and community based research, identity and the world system, and issues of group representation in popular media.
ANTH 602 Historic Preservation Laws (3) Paired with ANTH 389 (Cultural Resource Management). Major issues of Heritage Management legislation and the structure of federal and state programs. We'll review some of recent court cases in the U.S. and Pacific Nations. Civil suits over historic preservation. Graduate students will work with ANTH 389 students in the design and implementation of their community based-research.
ANTH 603 Qualitative & Quant. Methods (3) Overview of methods used to interpret anthropological fieldwork. Discussion of research design, sampling, scales of analysis, differences between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.
ANTH 611 Cultural Impact Assessments (3) Introduction to applied ethnographic studies in Hawaiʻi, including cultural impact assessments, ethnohistoric studies, regulations, ethics and politics of community-based consultation and research; research in historic-era documents, ethnographies, maps, previous archaeological studies, and texts written in the Hawaiian language.
ANTH 612 Indigenous Museum Studies (3) Pared with the undergraduate course ANTH 470 (Museology). Community museum development with a focus on indigenous perspectives of heritage and stewardship. Grant-writing, collections documentation and management, exhibit planning, and public engagement. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 613 Human Paleoecology (3) Methods and theories pertaining to understanding ancient human interactions with ecosystems, including effects of human colonization on island environments, species introductions and extinctions, geomorphological change and studies of other anthropogenic processes. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 614 Submerged Cultural Resources (3) Overview of conservation and management issues related to submerged cultural resources with specific attention given to the Abandoned Shipwrecks Act, Admiralty Law, and other regulatory factors pertaining to the management of submerged resources in the Hawaiian Archipelago and the Pacific in general. An overview of methodological issues and ongoing submerged resource issues are discussed. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 623 Archaeology of Oceania (3) Archaeological overview of cultures of the Pacific both before and after Western contact with an emphasis on research being conducted as a result of regional heritage management programs. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 624 Archaeology of Hawaiʻi (3) History, theory, and practice of archaeology in the Hawaiian Islands. Development of the discipline, including ethics and politics, and contemporary Kānaka Maoli concerns. Theoretical topics include the emergence of social complexity, political economy, monumentality, craft production, agriculture and gender relations, and archaeoastronomy. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 625 Pacific Heritage Management (3) Overview to indigenous heritage management in the Pacific. International conventions and world heritage sites, national historic preservation law, community-based cultural revival projects, and collaborative research and preservation. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 631 Oral History Research (3) Ethics of applied ethnographic and participatory research, interview protocols, methods of listening, observing and recording, and approaches to interpretive analysis. Methods of interviewing and recording, including the analysis of recorded transcripts while addressing the broader issues that surround oral history and applied ethnographic research, including the epistemological underpinnings of qualitative methods. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 632 Paleobotanical Methods (3) The identification and analysis of plant remains, particularly in relationship to paleoethnobotany in the Pacific Islands. Palynology, phytolith analysis, starch grain identification, wood charcoal identification. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 633 Material Conservation (3) Conservation issues that affect the long-term curation of cultural material. Preservation methods related to paper, textiles, bark cloth, waterlogged objects, ferrous metals, and an assortment of other materials. Special emphasis is placed on working with, and providing stewardship for indigenous cultural materials. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602, ANTH 612.
ANTH 634 Lithic Analysis (3) Analytical methods applied to stone artifacts (lithics) from cultural sites and museum collections. History of lithic analyses in archaeology; current analytical techniques; tool production technologies;use-wear. Course content is intended to be applied to thesis projects; students work with undergraduates in ANTH 484 (stone tools analysis). Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 635 Human Osteology (3) Analytical methods used in physical and biological anthropology. Practical skills related to physical anthropologyin the context of heritage management. Emphasis on ethically grounded research in the context of indigenous heritage. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 682 Archaeological Field Methods (3–5) (lecture/lab) Archaeological methods including research design mapping and excavation, and laboratory methods. Normally taught as a summer session course. Credit varies depending on length of field projects (4-6 weeks, 8hrs./day). Pre: ANTH 110; ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH 690 Heritage Management Internship (3) (a)Archaeology; (b) Museum Studies; (c) Burials Program; (d) Cultural Impact Assessments. Placement and experience in public, private, and/or government agencies involved in heritage management plus completion of related research projects. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602. May be repeated for credit.
ANTH 700 Thesis Research (1–6) Supervised research, data analyses, literature review, and writing up of an original empirical study designed to develop and demonstrate the ability to do research and competence in scholarly exposition. Students are expected to work on their thesis under the supervision of their faculty and have their work reviewed by their thesis committee. Pre: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 602.
ANTH x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
ANTH x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.
Additional Courses
Also see the ANTH undergraduate-level courses.