Ebooks - UH Hilo

Access for University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Students, Faculty, and Staff

On this page:

General Ebooks

Ebook Central

The largest academic ebook collection we have, with thousands of titles covering agriculture, education, history, law, psychology, science, social sciences, and much more. No account is needed to use, but to save and download titles, select "Sign In" at the upper left, then "Need to create a new bookshelf?" Your username and password can be anything.

  • Ebook Central (UH Hilo access)
    Ebook collection from ProQuest of almost 200,000 full-text academic titles. Search within the complete text of each title. Create an Ebook Central account (not required) to download books for offline access and other features. Titles also listed in LibCat.

EBSCO Ebook Collections

EBSCO has collections of ebooks that are searchable using the same familiar search interface as other EBSCO databases, such as Academic Search Complete. While these collections contain books meant to be used by K-12 school and public library users (not specifically college students), they may be useful for some college assignments or for personal interest.

Online Encyclopedias

  • Encyclopædia Britannica (UH Hilo access)
    Entire set of encyclopedia volumes, with additional e-content.
  • Encyclopedia of Associations (UH Hilo access)
    Ebook collection of three directories:
    • International Organizations
    • National Organizations of the U.S.
    • Regional, State, and Local Organizations

Dissertations and Theses

Research hint: dissertations and theses have great lists of references!

  • Dissertations and Theses from ProQuest (Licensed for UH Hilo users only)
    Online access to full text of doctoral dissertations and graduate theses from universities around the world, including all campuses of the University of Hawaiʻi.

Project Gutenberg Free Ebooks

  • Project Gutenberg (Free access for all users)
    Free ebooks in the public domain, most with copyright dates before 1930.

Subject-specific Ebooks


  • ASABE Technical Library (Licensed for UH Hilo users only)
    Full text of all recent technical documents published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, including journals, conference proceedings, reference books, and annual meeting reports.


  • Business Expert Press (Licensed for UH Hilo users only)
    Collection of full-text ebooks on a variety of business topics.