Training in Philosophy will enable a student to appreciate the points of view of others. Philosophy students gain skills in understanding arguments, including complex arguments, and in expressing their own opinions in clear and accurate ways. Evidence of superior reasoning skills can be seen from the fact that Philosophy majors have among the highest overall scores of any major on entry exams for graduate schools, even for specialty areas such as law school that have no direct relation to the subject matter of Philosophy.

Field Trips

While we try to make our classrooms as lively as possible, there are some truths that require experience to appreciate. Below are photographs of the Philosophy Club's visit to the Kīlauea Caldera, Celia Bardwell-Jones’s Philosophy of Nature class trip to Lake Waiau and Tim Freeman’s Environmental Ethics class trip to Volcanoes National Park. You can see photos of more excursions on the philosophy club’s Facebook page.

Ten Students and two teachers stand in front of a lush mountainsideThe Hawaii Island Philosophy Club's 2023 Visit to Kīlauea

Thirteen people smiling inside a wood-paneled cabinThe Philosophy Club visits the Saijo home in Volcano Village

Sixteen students stand in circle on foggy mountain listening to professorDr. Bardwell-Jones's Philosophy of Nature class visits Maunakea

Seven students and professor stand in front of Kīlauea volcano craterDr. Freeman's Environmental Ethics class hikes the Kīlauea volcanic crater


(808) 932-7229

(808) 932-7214

Kanakaʻole Hall, room 228