by Catherine Chauvin
24 x 30"
Winner: Purchase Award
2006 Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition
![To My Way of Thinking](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163620573.png)
by Tom Baker
![The Dialogue](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624211.png)
by Michael Barnes
![A Day in the Sun](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163623785.png)
by Michael Barnes
![Marsh View](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624336.png)
by Curtis Bartone
![Syncopated Movements](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624415.png)
by Tonia Bonnell
![Dress Up](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624591.png)
by Deborah Bryan
by Nancy Campbell
by Catherine Chauvin
![Mile 114](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624916.png)
by Nicholas Conbere
![A Home until It's Not](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163624966.png)
by Eric Easthon
by Matthew Egan
![Pier Leone Ghezzi](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163625044.png)
by Matthew Egan
![Red No. 5](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163625541.png)
by Jan Erikson
![Atlas II-Maize](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163625571.png)
by Eduardo Fausti
![Sacred And Profane II](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163625635.png)
by Richard Finch
by Stephen Fisher
![Imperial Walkers (Remap)](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163625719.png)
by Stephen Fisher
![Lateral Vision](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163629286.png)
by Linda Frost
![The Day Before Tomorrow](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163629396.png)
by Eric Goldberg
![Fantastic Pursuit #1](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163629457.png)
by Lee Gough
by Alex Grande IV
by Brandon Gunn
by Yuji Hiratsuka
![Autumn Tints](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163630193.png)
by Yuji Hiratsuka
![Veracruz 2004](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163630365.png)
by Sandria Hu
by Anne Irons
![Graphic Transit](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163630476.png)
by Anne Irons
by Jayne Reid Jackson
![The War Protester](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632009.png)
by Anna Johnston-Schuster
by Kathryn Kain
by Eunkang Koh
by Shaurya Kumar
by Kathleen O'Connell
by Suzanne Olmsted
by Chris Papa
![XXX Cow](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632288.png)
by Chris Papa
![Orchids of Mexico](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632328.png)
by Dwight Pogue
![September Folly/Atlantic](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632360.png)
by Boyd Saunders
by Meredith Setser
by Meredith Setser
![Wave #36 Pacific](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632449.png)
by Nancy Stein
![Ghiordes Series IV](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632650.png)
by Taiko Suzuki
![War Zones](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632709.png)
by James Todd
![Hope for Peace #1](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632743.png)
by Noriho Uriu
![Soft Sequences](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632814.png)
by Erick Waterkotle
![Floating (Right)](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632858.png)
by Art Werger
![Carnival Mitosis](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632888.png)
by Sarah Whorf
![Shiro Flat](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163632939.png)
by Koichi Yamamoto
![Anatomy of a Green Man](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163633239.png)
by Ross Zirkle
![Poetic Recall](/depts/art/gallery/g/t/1163633256.png)
by Ross Zirkle
Visit the Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition website.