Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) Course Designation
What is TXT0?
Due to the escalating price of textbooks and other course materials, the University of Hawaii system is encouraging faculty to integrate no-cost learning materials into their courses. If your course does not require students to purchase learning materials, you can designate the course as Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0). Courses using the TXT0 code are compiled on the University of Hawaiʻi OER website and students will see the Textbook Cost: $0 note in STAR and on the class availability list when signing up for classes.
Information and Guidelines
- Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) designation indicates courses that do not require students to purchase learning materials. Course learning materials include textbooks (bookstore/online/IDAP), readings, workbooks, lab manuals, access codes, online tutorial/homework/quiz platforms, etc.
- Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) sections may use a variety of Open Educational Resources (OERs), online resources, library resources, and faculty-authored materials to replace commercially-produced textbooks.
- A TXT0 section may include costs for supplies or equipment (e.g., art supplies, calculators, tools).
- Sections are designated Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) independently. Courses may have TXT0-designated sections as well as non-TXT0-designated sections, depending on the materials chosen by each section’s instructor.
- Course sections are designated Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) for one term/semester and need to be renewed when scheduled each term.
- Faculty assume all responsibility for maintaining the integrity of all course content as related to scholarly merit, copyright regulations, and accessibility requirements.
- For more information on TXT0, see Leeward Community College’s FAQ page.
Designate your Course Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0)
Notify your department chair that your course is Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) so that they can inform the division secretary or support staff to input the information in Banner.
Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) course designations will be uploaded when courses are entered into Banner. The deadline for submitting courses vary each semester. If an instructor decides to make their course Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0) after this deadline, for instance by building a no-cost course over the summer, these designations can be uploaded into Banner at a later date.
A Textbook Cost: $0 designation is not automated, therefore a course needs to be renewed each semester.
Where does the Textbook Cost: $0 designation appear?
TXT0 appears as a special designation, similar to WI courses, and the “Textbook Cost: $0” notation will appear on the class availability website at the beginning of the comments field for the designated course section. See a sample below:
These designations can be entered directly into Banner as follows:
- In SSADETL, go to the "Degree Program Attributes"
- insert and use code TXT0 under attribute
- save
- in SSATEXT, go to the "Section Long Text"
- type "Textbook Cost: $0"
- save