College of Natural and Health Sciences Senate

The Senate is the academic policy-recommending body of the College of Natural and Health Sciences. The membership of the Senate body consists of all full-time Instructional Faculty within the College and the lecturer-at-large. The Senate has various standing and ad hoc committees which work to address policy issues facing the College.


The Senate Executive Committee oversees the CNHS faculty senate, including conducting elections, developing college-specific guidelines, and communicating with the Dean.

The Curriculum Review Committee advises the Dean on curriculum review matters such as approving new courses and programs.

The Academic Policy Committee advises the Dean on matters that develop new academic policies or change existing rules and regulations.

Sub-Committees Currently, the college has no active sub-committees.

Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Membership

Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) Membership

Academic Policy Committee (APC) Membership

Charter and Bylaws

Please contact Heather Kaluna for more information.