Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvt., To wind, twist, writhe, crank, turn, screw, drill, bore; to dial, craīnk, or ring up, as on the telephone; to roll up, as a mat; crank, coil, lock, as of hair.

  • Examples:
    • Wili Koʻolau, Koʻolau whirlwind [careless, hurried work].
    • Ma ka ʻākau, wili, right, turn.
    • Ua wili ʻia kou niho me ka mīkini wili, your tooth was drilled with the drill.
  • References:

2. n., Mill, drill, wrench, bit; various implements or machines used for turning are listed below.

  • Examples:
    • Nā mea wili (Nah. 11.8), mills.
  • References:

3. n., Spirals of several colors in composite leis, as of the cigar flower (kīkā).

4. n., A bird (no data).

  • References:
    • KL. line 420.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna birds

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

hamani To dial, as a telephone; to drill; to twirl, as a baton. Dic.; dic., ext. mng. See kumuwili, makawili, pā wili, pihi wili, wili i hope, wili i mua, ʻaukaʻi wili.

hamani, To turn, as a figure, in math.

  • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: math

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v. To twist; to wind; to turn, as a crank; to grind at a hand-mill. Lunk. 16:21. To bore, as with an auger or gimlet. 2 Nal. 12:10.

2. To writhe in pain.

3. To mix, as liquids of different qualities, i. e., to stir them round and round.

4. Hoo. To torture; to give pain; to tear; to be in anguish.

s. A ribbon. See WILA.

2. A roll; a twist. See OWILI. Wili lauoho, a lock of hair; o na wili o ke poo. Mel. Sol. 5:2.

3. Sadness; a writhing in pain.

4. The sickness of hogs; a cough; a strangling.

5. The name of a fish.

adj. Winding; tortuous; ala wili, a winding path; na mea wili, mills for grinding. Nah. 11:8. Mai wili, the venereal disease or gonorrhea.

Wili (wī'-li), adj.

/ wī'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Winding; tortuous: ala wili, as a winding path; Mai wili, gonorrhea.

Wili (wĭ'-li), n.

/ wĭ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. That which turns, hence a mill with its rollers.

2. A twisting; a writhing, as of one in pain.

Wili (wĭ'-li), v.

/ wĭ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To twist; to wind; to turn, as a crank; to grind at a hand-mill.

2. To bore, as with an auger or gimlet.

3. To writhe in pain.

4. To mix, as liquids of different qualities, that is, to stir them round and round.

Gonorrhea. See maʻi-wili.

To bore, as with an auger or gimlet. (Nal. 12:10.)

i. me, ma, i.

to twist; to wind.

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