Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Same as welawela. (PNP wewela.)

v. See WELA. To burn; to be hot, as a feverish sore. Oihk. 13:24.

s. A burning or feverish boil or sore. Oihk. 13:23.

2. A very great heat of anger. Ier. 2:6.

3. A burning zeal, i. e., a horror; great fear. Ps. 119:53.

4. Great excitement of mind; walania.

Wewela (wĕ'-wē'-la), n.

/ wĕ'-wē'-la / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A burning as of fever.

2. A great heat of anger.

3. A burning zeal.

4. A horror; great fear.

5. Great excitement of mind; walania.

Wewela (wĕ'-wĕ'-la), v.

/ wĕ'-wĕ'-la / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Wela, hot.] To burn; to be hot, as a feverish sore.

E huli iā “wewela” ma Ulukau.

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