kikino Tip of a leaf, as hala. Man. Also hiʻu. Cf. poʻo.
kikino Tip of a leaf, as hala. Man. Also hiʻu. Cf. poʻo.
s. The end or extremity of a thing; the top, as of a tree; na welau o na laau. Oihl. 14:15. The tip end; the ridge; the end of a finger; the ridge or summit of a precipice; the extreme boundary of a country. Ios. 15:4. FIG. Welau o ka make, point of death; welau akau, the north pole; welau hema, south pole.
s. See WELAU. The end or extremity of a thing; the most distant part of a country. Ier. 50:12.
[Welau, the end.] The end or extremity of a thing; the most distant part of a country.
end, extremity; most distant part of country.
The end or extremity of a thing; the most distant part of a country (AP).
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