1. nvt., Crack, narrow opening; to open a crack, as a door; to separate, loosen, free.
- References:
- PPN wete .
2. n., Certain species of the Mullidae 🌐, surmullets or goatfish. All weke have large scales and are usually found in reefs, sometimes in deep water. Both red and light-colored weke were popular as offerings to the gods to turn away curses: see weke #1.
- References:
- For the connection of weke with nightmares, see pahulu #1.
- Unidentified varieties of weke are qualified by the terms koaʻe, lāʻō, moelua.
- See also weke ʻā or weke keʻokeʻo, weke ahulu or weke pahulu or weke pueo, weke nono, weke ʻula.
- PPN wete .
3. Rare variant of waka, to flame, flash.
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