Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n. A sea urchin, as Diadema paucispinum and Echinothrix diadema, considered by some an ʻaumakua. (PPN wana.)

2. nvs. Sharp-pointed, as sea-urchin spines; jagged, sharp; spike

3. n. A long spike or streak of light, as at dawn; to appear, as a ray of light. Cf. wanaʻao. Wana kau lani, a streak in the heavens, as of light or cloud. (PCP wana.)

v. To come; to approach; to appear, as the early dawn. See WANAAO.

s. A species of the sea-egg of the size and shape of a turnip; he ia poepoe me he ina la, he oioi mawaho.

adj. Pronged; sharp pointed; externally jagged.

Wana (wă'-na), adj.

/ wă'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Pronged; sharp pointed; externally jagged.

Wana (wă'-na), n.

/ wă'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A species of the sea-egg or sea-urchin.

Wana (wă'-na), v.

/ wă'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Same as wena. To appear, as light in the early dawn. See wanaao.

Sea egg, sea urchin (Centrechinus paucispinus). In the adult stage it has long black spines equal in length to the diameter of the shell—nearly 4 inches. This species can produce painful injuries.

sea urchins.

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