Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Redup. of waka 1; serrated, pointed, sharp, as a rake's prongs or the spikes of a sea urchin; hilly. Puhi niho wakawaka, sharp-toothed eel [a mighty warrior]. Hāmākua i ka wakawaka, Hāmākua with the sharp hills.

2. Redup. of waka 2.

adj. See WAKA. Shining; glistening; flaming. Kin. 3:24. Wakawaka o Mano e moku ai ka hako.

Wakawaka (wă'-kă-wă'-ka), adj.

/ wă'-kă-wă'-ka / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Waka, a flash.] Shining; glistening; flaming: Wakawaka o Mano e moku ai ka hako.

serrated; sharp: to glitter.

E huli iā “wakawaka” ma Ulukau.

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