Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvt., Wrapper, envelope, case, covering, sheath; a ti-leaf bundle; to wrap, cover, bundle up, fold up, roll up, swathe; to dress, as a wound.

  • Examples:
    • Ā wahī ihola ʻoia i nā papa i ke gula (Puk. 36.34), and he overlaid the boards with gold.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: medicine

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vt., To cleave, split, burst through, break through; to change, as money; to have sex relations with a virgin, deflower.

  • Examples:
    • O wāhi mai, ē Lono, o wāhi ʻo luna, o wāhi ʻo lalo, o wāhi ka uka, o wāhi ke kai (prayer to Lono for rain), break through, O Lono, break through above, break through below, may the uplands break through, may the lowlands break through.
    • E wāhi mai i ka berena e ola ai (hymn), break the bread of life.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: economics health

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1. n., Place, location, position, site, setting.

  • Examples:
    • Ma kekahi wahi, somewhere.
    • Kēlā wahi kēia wahi, everywhere.
    • Ma ia mau wahi, hereabouts, thereabouts.
    • Ma nā wahi āpau, everywhere, wherever, universal.
    • Ua hele akula lāua ia wahi aʻe, ia wahi aʻe, they went everywhere.
    • Iāʻoe ia wahi, none of your business [rude]; it's your turn [polite].
  • References:

2. Paucal article. Some, a little, a bit of.

  • Examples:
    • E ʻoluʻolu ʻoe i wahi wai, please a little water.
    • He wahi makana kēia, this is just a little gift.
    • ʻAʻohe wahi ā neʻeneʻeu mai, does not bestir at all.
  • References:

3. idiom. To say, according to (usually followed by the possessive a or by a zero-class possessive and not preceded by either verb or noun particles).

  • Examples:
    • Wahi a wai? Who said so?
    • Wahi a ke aliʻi, the chief said.
    • Wahi a kahiko, according to the ancients.

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kikino, Region, a specific area, in math.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

Nā LepiliTags: math

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kikino, Folder, as in a computer program.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Pono e hana kope ʻia kēlā waihona ma ka wahī ʻōnaehana. That file needs to be copied to the system folder.
    • Wahī o waho. External folder.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: computers

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article, Gram.§ 63. Some; some little; a few. It unites or takes with it the indefinite article he; as, he wahi wai, some water. It also takes kau before it, and both the definite article ke; as, lawe ae la ia i ke kau wahi leho no ka honua, in which case it means, some; some little; some indefinite quantity. It has no corresponding word in English; as, owau nei o ko oukou wahi kaikaina uuku hope loa.

Nā LepiliTags: grammar

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s. A place; a space; a situation; wahi kaawale, a vacant place; synonymous with kahi, but used differently in a sentence. See KAHI. Wahi hilahila, private parts. Kanl. 25:11. Na wahi a pau loa, all places. Ios. 1:3. Na wahi paa, strong holds or places. 1 Sam. 23:14. It is used with ka for kau: a ka wahi (kau wahi) e noho ai, the dwelling place. Hal. 26:8.

s. Accent on the last syllable. That which surrounds or envelopes anything; a covering; a sheath; a wrapper, as kapa, paper, ki leaf, cloth, &c.; wahi pahi kaua, a sword scabbard. 1 Sam. 17:51.

s. A word; a saying; a remark. NOTE.—This word is somewhat anomalous; it has no article and has some of the properties of a verb; as, wahi a wai? word of whom? whose word? whose saying, or who said it? Ans. Wahi a ke alii, the king said so.

s. One that is above law, or is so much a favorite, or is so holy that the law cannot affect him.

2. A favorite or high servant of the king; pepehiia o Kainapan wahi alii e Kainapau kuaaina, Kainapau the king’s favorite was slain by Kainapau the backwoodsman.

v. To break by casting out of one’s hand. Puk. 34:1. SYN: with naha.

2. To break through, as an army; to break or rush through, as through a troop. Hal. 18:29.

3. To break, as one’s head. Lunk. 9:53.

4. To separate; to open; to rend; to break through. Isa. 64:1.

5. To open; to cause to flow. Isa. 41:18.

6. To break; to cleave; to break, as a rock. Hal. 105:41. See WAWAHI.

v. To cover over; to bind up, as a wound. Ier. 30:26.

2. To wrap up, as a body for burial; to tie up in a wrapper, as a bundle.

3. To roll or fold up in kapa or cloth; to swathe; to wrap up.

4. To surround, as a wrapper; to overlay; to cover up. Puk. 36:34.

5. To cover, as the body of a person with clothing. SYN. with uhi. O ka lole ka mea e wahi ai i ke kino.

Wahi (wă'-hi), adj.

/ wă'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Some; little; few. It takes the indefinite article he; he wahi wai, some water.

Wahi (wă-hī'), v.

/ wă-hī' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To cover over; to bind up, as a wound.

2. To wrap up, as a body for burial; to tie up in a wrapper, as a bundle.

3. To roll or fold up in tapa or cloth; to swathe; to wrap up.

4. To surround, as a wrapper; to overlay; to cover up.

5. To cover, as the body of a person with clothing: O ka lole ka mea e wahi ai i ke kino.

Wahi (wā'-hi), v.

/ wā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To break by casting out of one's hand.

2. To break through, as an army; to break or rush through, as through a troop.

3. To separate; to open; to rend; to break through by force.

4. To open by force.

5. To break; to cleave; to break in pieces as in crushing rock. Syn: Wawahi.

Wahi (wā'-hi), n.

/ wā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A word citing a saying other than that of the speaker. (This word is somewhat anomalous; it has no article and has some of the properties of a verb: wahi a wai? word of whom? whose saying? or who said it? Wahi a ke alii, The king said so.)

Wahi (wă-hī'), n.

/ wă-hī' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

That which surrounds or envelops anything; a covering; a sheath; a wrapper, as tapa, paper, ti leaf, cloth, etc.; wahi pahi kaua, a sword scabbard,

Wahi (wă'-hi), n.

/ wă'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A place; a space; a situation: wahi kaawale, a vacant place; synonymous with kahi, but used differently in a sentence. Wahi hilahila, private parts; na wahi a pau loa, all places; na wahi paa, strongholds or places. It is used with ka for kau: a ka wahi (kau wahi) e noho ai, the dwelling place.

Wrapper, sheath; to bundle up.

Favorite or high servant of the king. (A.)

a place; words cited: some, little, few.

envelope, sheath: to wrap.

portion broken off for sharing: to break open.

envelope, sheath: to wrap.

1. Place, location (PE). 2. A place; a space; a situation (AP). 3. Some, a bit of.

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