Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


wae moho

/ wae moho / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, Primary, primary election, i.e. a preliminary election to nominate candidates for office.

  • Source:
  • Examples:
    • Ma ka wae moho, e koho kekahi ʻaoʻao kālaiʻāina i ka mea a lākou e kākoʻo ai i ka holo moho ʻana no kekahi kūlana koʻikoʻi o ke aupuni. In the primary, a political party chooses the person they will support in running for election for an important government position.
    • Wae moho kūākea. Open primary.
    • Wae moho kūloko. Closed primary.

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