Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n. A rain in Nuʻu-anu and Mānoa Valleys and the name of a ridge separating Mānoa and Pālolo Valleys. See saying, puʻipuʻi. Ola ke kai o Kou i ka ua Waʻa-hila (saying), the land of Kou [Honolulu] lives by the Waʻa-hila rain.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Former land section, Mānoa; faculty housing, Mānoa campus, University of Hawaiʻi; ridge separating Mānoa and Pālolo valleys; State recreation area, 40 acres in area, St. Louis Heights; trail along Waʻahila ridge ending in upper Mānoa Valley, Honolulu. Also the name of a beneficent Mānoa rain, and of a chiefess who excelled in a dance named for her. (PH 170.)

Rains of Manoa and Nuʻuanu Valleys. Ola ke kai o Kou i ka Ua-waʻahila, the land Kou, Honolulu, lives by the Waʻahila rain. (PE.)

Rain on Mount Kaʻala, Oahu. (CMH.) Rains in Nuʻuanu and Manoa Valleys. Also the name of a beneficent rain in Manoa Valley.

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