1. n., Small stone, pebble, stone chip; wedge, prop.
- Examples:
- Kohala i ka unu paʻa, Kohala with the solid stone [firmness].
- References:
- Cf. unu pehi ʻiole.
2. n., Altar, heiau, especially a crude one for fishermen or for the god Lono.
- Examples:
- Unu kupukupu (PH 31, 202), an agricultural heiau.
3. Rare variant of inu, to drink.
- References:
- PNP unu; cf. Nukuoro.
4. Rare variant of ulu #1, ulu #2.
- Examples:
- E ka unu me ka ua Kīpuʻupuʻu (song), by the stirring [of the wind] and the Kīpuʻupuʻu rain.
5. n., Name given for a section of canoe endpiece.
- References:
- For. 5:612–3.
- Cf. ulu #7.
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kikino, Chip, as in computer hardware.
- Source:
- References:
- See unu lawelawe.
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ʻaʻano | stative verbʻaʻano, Sprained.
- Source:
- Mānaleo.
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hamani | transitive verb / U-NU /v., To prop up; to help hold up; e unu iki ae paha ka pono, to help a little perhaps will be well; to shove back or retract, as the skin in amputation.
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ʻaʻano | stative verb / U-NU /adj., Made round; heaped up, &c.
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hamani | transitive verb / U-NU /v., To make up into a round heap; to shorten.
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hamani | transitive verb / U-NU /v., To drink; same as inu; unu awa, to drink awa.
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kikino | noun / U-NU /1. s., A coward.
2. Small stones or chips of stones for propping up and sustaining large ones.
3. A prop or wedge. See makia.
4. The small stones used to fasten the posts of a house when erected in the ground.
5. Any small stones.
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kikino | noun / U-NU /s., A place of worship; a temple; he heiau, he luakini.
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ʻaʻano | stative verb / u'-nu /adj., Made round; heaped up, etc.
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kikino | noun / u'-nu /1. n., A place of worship within a heiau or temple.
2. n., A coward; a poltroon; a lazy, dissolute person; an outcast.
3. n., Small stones or chips of stones for propping up and sustaining large ones.
4. n., A prop or wedge. Syn: Makia.
5. n., The small stones used to fasten the posts of a house when erected in the ground.
6. n., Any small stones.
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hamani | transitive verb / u'-nu /1. v., To drink: unu awa, to drink awa. Syn: Inu
2. v., To draw up; to shorten; to bring together; to collect or assemble in little heaps.
3. v., To rush or force forward or backward; to shove. The direction is indicated by the adverbs aku, ae and mai: unu aku, push forward; unu mai, push back; unu ae, push aside.
4. v., To thrust; to shove with force: unuia aku ka pahi a papani iloko.
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Small stones used to fix the posts firmly in the ground before raising a house.
Breadfruit tree. (A.) Young ʻōhiʻa timber, as used in making images. (PE.)
Small stones between ʻiliʻili and makaliʻi in size; small chips or stones for propping up and sustaining large ones or wedging posts in the ground.
Place of worship, a small heiau; rude altar for fishermen or the god Lono, patron of agriculture.
to wedge, prop; to draw up a dress.
Small stone; altar, heiau (PE).
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