Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Hui, pilina, hoʻohui ʻana; uniona (labor); — under a single ruler, kuapapa; — of two, kōkoʻolua.

ʻUniona. See collective bargaining. As of states or countries into one political entity. Hui ʻāina.

he hookui ana, e kuikahi ana.

h. he hookuikahi hou ana.

h. he hookui ana, he kuikahi ana.

hŭ’ĭ, hŏ‘ŏhŭ’ĭ ă’nă; The Union, Ameli’kă Hŭĭpūĭ’ă.

1. He hui. 2. Ka hoohui ana. 3. Ke ano lokahi. SYN. unity. 4. The Union, Amerika Huipuia.

E huli iā “union” ma Ulukau.

Search for “union” on Ulukau.

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