Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ ulu.hua / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

vs., Vexed, annoyed, discouraged, displeased (1 Nal. 20.43), harassed, weary, offended, angry.

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v. Ulu, to grow, and hua, envy.

1. To trouble; to give concern.

2. To be tired with one's company; to be weary of one's visit.

3. To be vexed or troubled with any matter. Laieik. 78. To be weary with doing or repeating a thing. Ier. 15:6.

4. To be weary with life. Iob. 10:1.

5. Hoo. To cause grief or trouble. Sol. 10:1. To be much vexed. Ezek. 22:5.

s. Discouragement; want of confidence; disappointment; self displeasure. 1 Nal. 20:43.

adj. Displeased; angry; discontented; disaffected.

Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), adj.

/ u'-lu-hu'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Displeased; angry; discontented; disaffected.

Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), n.

/ u'-lu-hu'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Vexation; anxiety; fret; care; disquietude; a being dissatisfied with one's self.

Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), v.

/ u'-lu-hu'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be worried or harassed.

2. To be tired with one's company; to be weary of one's visit.

3. To be vexed or troubled with any matter. Laieik. p. 78. To be weary with doing or repeating a thing.

4. To be weary with life.

Vexed, annoyed, displeased. (1 Nal. 20:43.)

To be vexed with any matter; to be weary with life; to be angry, discontented, displeased.

angry, worried, vexed, frantic.

E huli iā “uluhua” ma Ulukau.

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