Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n., Certain species of crevalle, jack, or pompano, an important game fish and food item.

  • Examples:
    • Huki i ka ulua, pull in the ulua; figuratively, get your man.
    • ʻAʻole nō wau i mahuʻi mua, e lilo ana ʻoe i ulua naʻu (song), I never thought before that youʻd be my sweetheart.
  • References:

2. Similar to ulu #1, ulu #2.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish foods epithets

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Similar to pāʻuluʻā. Rare.

1. Same as ʻuluʻulu. hoʻo.ʻulua To assemble.

2. Same as ʻunua.

s. Name of a large kind of fish.

2. A kind of vegetable forbidden to women to eat; ina i ai ka wahine i ka niu paha, he maia paha, he ulua paha, make ia.

v. To assemble together, as men; ua ulua mai kakou ma keia wahi.

s. For uluia. See ULU. A collection; a gathering together; an assembly.

2. A forest or garden of breadfruit trees; ka haha ulu, ka hopuhopu ana i ke kanaka e pepehi a make.

Nā LepiliTags: ʻulu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. Name of the sacrifice obtained by the kapopo.

Ulua (u-lu'-a), n.

/ u-lu'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A collection; a gathering together; an assembly.

2. A group or grove of breadfruit trees. (The fruit from a grove of breadfruit trees was tabu to women, but not the fruit from trees standing apart.)

3. A genus of cavalla or Carangus fish. (Papiopio, small in size; paupau, medium size; ulua, large size.) Species are very numerous and valued for food. (The ulua was forbidden to women to eat; ina i ai ka wahine i ka niu paha, he maia paha, he ulua paha, make ia.)

Ulua (u'-lu-ā'), n.

/ u'-lu-ā' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A sacrifice or offering made as reparation for wrong. These offerings were made in the month of Ku. The class of priests who made the offerings were called Kapopo.

Ulua (u'-lu-ā'), v.

/ u'-lu-ā' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To pile up one thing upon another.

Ulua (u-lu'-a), v.

/ u-lu'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To assemble together, as men: ua ulua mai kakou ma keia wahi.

Six-banded jack (Caranx sexfasciatus).Has a blue-green body with lighter hues below. Attains 60 inches. Its young are called pāʻūʻū,second stage, and pāpio, the youngest stage.

Vegetable under kapu, forbidden to women. (A.)

Sacrifice obtained by the kāpopo. The fish ulua was used instead of humans if the latter were unavailable.

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