Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vt. To plait, weave, knit, braid; plaiting, weaving. Also unala, nala, unana. Mea ulana ʻia, plaited or woven material, textile. Mea ulana lole, weaver (Isa. 38.12), loom. (PPN langa.)

2. vs. Still, calm. Cf. lana 1.

3. nvt. Prophecy of a seer (kilokilo); to prophesy.

v. To weave; to plait; to braid; to intertwine, as vines. Puk. 28:32. To wreathe; to weave. 2 Nal. 25:17. E ulana moena, to braid or weave a mat.

adj. Lying still or calm, as the surface of water unruffled by wind.

2. Idle; unemployed; lulana, heha, molowa.

adj. Iwi ulana. Kam., B. 2, p. 7, 3. The prophecy or expression of the kilokilo when looking upon a person in good health, meaning he will soon die.

Ulana (ū-lā'-na), adj.

/ ū-lā'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Still, calm.

Ulana (ū'-lā'-na), n.

/ ū'-lā'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Contraction of iwi ulana.] The prophecy or expression of the kilokilo (magician) who when looking upon a person foretells what is to be or come to him hereafter.

Ulana (u'-la'-na), v.

/ u'-la'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To weave; to plait; to braid; to inter-twine, as vines; to wreathe: e ulana moena, to braid or weave a mat.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Street and place, Ka-lihi Uka, Honolulu. (TM.) Lit., still, calm.

Lying still or calm, as the surface of the water unruffled by the wind.

Prophecy or expression of the kilokilo (fortune teller) when looking upon a person in good health, indicating that he will soon die.

to weave, plait, braid.

E huli iā “ulana” ma Ulukau.

Search for “ulana” on Ulukau.

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