Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


loc.n., Inland, upland, towards the mountain, shoreward (if at sea); shore, uplands (often preceded by the particles i, ma- [usually written mauka], or o).

  • Examples:
    • Uwā ʻo uka (FS 259), those inland shouted.
    • Kō uka, those belonging to the uplands; mountain folk.
    • Hele i uka, go inland; go ashore [if at sea].
    • Uka manu, uplands where birds are found.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s., The shore; the country inland; opposed to kai.

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v. To send; to convey; mostly with hoo; to send, as a letter. 2 Sam. 11:14. To send, convey, as money or goods. 2 Oihl. 16:3.

2. To bring upon one, as evil. Ios. 23:15.

3. To consume; to destroy; to devour.

4. To cast up; to make a road. Isa. 57:14.

5. To add to; to make more of. 1 Nal. 12:11.

6. To commence an attack, as in a battle; ekolu paha la e kaua ai; alaila, hoouka nui.

7. To throw upon, as goods or property on board a vessel.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., To address in calling a hog; i kuu manao, aole manao o ka puaa; ina e olelo aku ke kahu, e i aku ia me neia, ukauka—u mai ka puaa. See uhu, s.,

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n., A word commonly used in calling hogs. I kuu manao, aole manao o ka puaa: Ina e olelo aku ke kahu, e i aku ia me neia, uka-uka-u mai ka puaa.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

n., The shore; the country inland; opposed to kai, the sea.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., A primitive form of hoouka, to send. It is never used alone as a verb. See hoouka.

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Inland, upland, toward the mountain (PE).

E huli iā “uka” ma Ulukau.

Search for “uka” on Ulukau.

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