Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Variant of hahau.

  • Examples:
    • Uhau i ke kau, to present a chant; to strike, as in sorcery or as a blow (GP 66).
    • Uhau akula ia i ka puaʻa me ke alo o ʻIwa (FS 21), he laid a pig down before ʻIwa.
    • ʻEhia āu manawa i uhau ai iāia? How many times did you hit him?
  • References:
    • Neh. 3.2.

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v. To pile together; to build up, as the walls of a city. 2 Oihl. 32:5.

2. To put in, as clothes into a chest; to pack. See UHAO.

3. To lay brick or stone into the walls of a house or city. Neh. 3:2.

4. To pile one thing on another.

5. To whip; to scourge; ke uhauia la ke kua o ke kanaka i ke kaula; to strike; to smite. Oih. 12:23.

6. To pinch; to afflict; to press.

s. A whip to strike with. Nahum. 3:2.

Uhau (u-ha'u), n.

/ u-ha'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A whip; the lash or thong of a whip

2. The stroke or cut of a whip.

Uhau (u-ha'u), v.

/ u-ha'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To pile together; to build up, as the walls of a city

2. To whip, to scourge; ke uhauia la ke kua o ke kanaka i ke kaula; the back of the man is being scourged with a rope.

To whip, scourge. (Oih. 12:23.)

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