Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


pākuʻina kauhopesuffix Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Indicator of the dual number in first and third persons of pronouns and poss. only (kāua, māua, lāua).

  • References:
    • Cf. -lua #2 and Gram. 8.2.
    • PPN -ua.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Variant spelling of ʻuwā.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. vs., Useless, unproductive, vain, to no profit, good-for-nothing, worn-out; completely unattractive.

2. n., A coarse mat or tapa.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. nvi., Rain; to rain; rainy.

  • Examples:
    • Ua liʻiliʻi, light rain, drizzle.
    • Kā hewahewa, he ua (FS 37), hit wildly, it's raining [let's get going, let the fight begin].
  • References:

2. demontrative. Aforementioned, the one talked of.

  • References:

3. Common particle preceding verbs and denoting completed or recently completed action; to become.

Nā LepiliTags: rains grammar

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, Rainfall.

  • Literally, rain.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v. See Gr. uo, Malay ujan, to wet; to rain. To rain; ua iho la ka ua, he ua nui loa. LIT. The rain rained, it was a very great rain.

2. Hoo. To send or give rain; to cause to rain. Kin. 7:4.

s. Rain; water falling from the clouds. 1 Sam. 12:17, 18. Rains were divided by Hawaiians into ua loa, long rains; ua poko. short rains; ua hea.

adj. Vain; useless; to no profit.

adv. In vain; to no purpose; manao no ka poe kahiko ua luhi ua ka lakou hana ana.

pron. dem. adj. Ua before a noun, and la or nei after it, forms a strong demonstrative adjective pronoun; this; that; as la or nei is used. It refers to some noun that has just been mentioned. Ua kanaka nei, this man (just spoken of); hiolo ua mau hale la, those houses (just mentioned) have fallen down. Gram. § 152.

prefixed to verbs, marks the fourth form of the preter tense. Gram. § 187.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

In vain; to no purpose: manao no ka poe kahiko ua luhi ua ka lakou nana ana.

To rain: Ua iho la ka ua; he ua nui loa; It rained (the rain rained); it was a very great rain.

prefix, A form which marks the perfect tense, as: hele, go; ua hele, gone.

Nā LepiliTags: grammar

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. Rain; water falling from the clouds. (Rains were divided by Hawaiians into ua loa, long rains; ua poko, short rains; a shower.)

2. A kind of mat.

Ua (ū'-a), adj., pron.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Aforesaid; previously mentioned: ua Lona la, the said Lona; ua keiki la, the said child.

Vain; useless; to no profit: luhi ua. vain effort.

Drive, Pālolo, Honolulu. (TM.) Lit., rain.

Some of the old words with which prayers were closed—like or probably have a significance similar to the amen which is used in closing Christian prayers.

Coarse kapa. (PE.)

Coarse mat.

General word for rain; to rain.

I. Aia ma Palesetine 'ka ua mua,' a me 'ka ua hope,' Kan. 11:14. Hos. 6:3. Ua haule ka ua mua i ka hapa hope o Oketoba, oia ka wa kanu ma Palesetine; a mai ia manawa, he ua no a hiki i Aperila, e like me ia ma Hawaii nei; a ma Aperila ka ua hope. A pau ia, alaila he malie, a oo ae la ka ai. I ka malama o Mei, ka ohi palaoa ana; a i ka malama o Augati, pau ka ohi hua ana; a mai ia manawa a hiki i ka ua mua, i Oketoba, he wela ka la, a maloo ka aina. A hala keia wa wela, oluolu loa no ka haule mai ana o ka ua, pela hoi ke haule mai ka Uhane Hemolele maluna iho o na kanaka, Kan. 32:2; Iob. 29:23; Is. 44:3; Hos. 10:12. O ka ua i haule mai ma Ierusalema i ka makahiki hookahi, he kanalima kumamaono iniha me ka hapalua; a ma Amerika Huipuia, he kanaha kumamalima iniha. Ina i malamaia keia ua ma Palesetine iloko o na luawai, a i hookakaheia ma ka aina i ka wa la, lilo hou oaha ia aina, 'e like me ka mahinaai o lehova,' me ia mamua.

rain; shower.

sign of perfect tense.

vain, useless; to no profit.

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