Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Mark, course. Meheu, kapuaʻi, mōʻali, moʻoʻali, maʻawe, hoʻomaʻawe; moʻo, moʻowā (narrow); alahao (railroad). Track of a god, kaha akua. To track, hoʻokolo, hoʻomeheu, kolokolo. To make a track, hoʻomeheu.

2. Athletics. Nā heihei a me nā hoʻokūkū like ʻole e ikaika ai ke kino ma ke kahua pāʻani.

Follow up, check on progress. Hoʻokolo. Student tracking. Hoʻokolo haumāna.

mehe'ŭ, alănu'ĭ: to track, a'lŭa'lŭ.


/ Trăєk / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. He meheu; mooa. 2. Alanui.


/ Trăєk / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E alualu. SYN. trace.

E huli iā “track” ma Ulukau.

Search for “track” on Ulukau.

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