Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Top. Wēkiu, wēlau, welelau, ʻēlau, ʻelelau, welewelelau, kihi, ʻaki, nuku, piko. See tongue.

2. To tilt. Kāhulihuli; wehe, wehewehe (as a hat).

3. Gratuity. Uku lawelawe.

To ~ or tilt, as a glass containing water. Hoʻohiō.

Of a leaf. Hiʻu, welelau. Bulb ~. ʻŌmaka hua kanu. Of the tongue. Wēlau alelo.

welau, kahi oi.

pi'kŏ, wēkĭ'ŭ; tip of tongue, lăŭălě'lŏ; (as in races), hăĭlo'nă: to tip, hāă'wĭ manawăle'ă.

1. Piko; wekiu. 2. Tip of the tongue, lau-alelo.

E huli iā “tip” ma Ulukau.

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