Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Laila, malaila, i laila (general); lā, ala, maila (not specific); ʻō, maʻō, i ʻō (far); ai. There! Aia lā! There it is, aia. See there! Aia hoʻi! There now! Aia kā! There, I told you so! Aia lā! To be there, ai laila, aia i laila. Down there, ai lalo, aia i lalo. Up there, ai luna, aia i luna. You, there! Eia ala!

malaila, ilaila.

malăĭlă, maō', iō': there! aĭă la!

adv. 1. Malaila; ma-o'; i-o'. 2. Aia la!

E huli iā “there” ma Ulukau.

Search for “there” on Ulukau.

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